Kato Kambos Settlement in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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Kato Kambos

A once mighty city upon a plateau among the hills, Kato Kambos is thought to have been built around the same time as Ket Altor. Once the seat of the Basilisk Queens, it fell to ruins during the Fall of the Katari Empire, and has been abandoned ever since. It is said that carvings can still be seen on the ancient walls of this place, depicting fish and scenes of the ocean, and that the entire city is under some strange enchantment which causes it to shift its layout with the phases of the moon. It is said that those who spend too long in this strange ruined city risk becoming forever lost within the maze-like passageways, or being driven insane by the inexplicable architecture of the place.

Circa 544AK



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