Gnaeus Tertius Claro Character in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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Gnaeus Tertius Claro

Gnaeus Tertius Claro was a magician and military officer of the Empire of Kataris. Following the fall of the Katari Empire he deserted along with his unit, who spent the following months raiding communities in the region of Bos Kala. He came into conflict with the elves of Lith Kala, and during one of the skirmishes with them was responsible for the death of a young boy named Faelan, the son of Macdara Wayfinder.   In revenge for the death of his son, Macdara used the power of Shenemahu i-Eru to lay a powerful curse on Gnaeus and his soldiers as they sheltered in the Iatromantion Kalaon, which they had seized and put the priests of the Healer to the sword several days earlier. This curse sealed the soldiers inside the underground chambers of the temple, cloaking the whole complex in darkness until they fell to starvation, murder, and cannibalism; furthermore, it prevented the souls of the soldiers from passing on, trapping them in the dark and forcing them to live out their final hours over and over again.   In desperation and on the edge of death, Gnaeus attempted to create a Telesm of Manumission to allow the ghosts to pass on, but made a number of crucial errors in the casting of the spell which prevented it from functioning as intended; rather than free the souls of the imprisoned, the telesm shattered them into fragments. The shattering of the lost souls, combined with the desperation of the survivors, weakened the walls of reality and created a conduit to the Pivot, overwhelming Gnaeus with both the power of the Fountain of Night and the horror of the Utterdark, transforming him into a Bodak.   Gnaeus was destroyed in 1344AK by a party of adventurers who entered the Iatromantion at the behest of Sha'tzat Alutos in order to cleanse it of the evil which had been imprisoned there for centuries.
Date of Birth
6th Century AK
Date of Death
Died circa 544AK; destroyed 1344AK
Circumstances of Death
As a result of the curse of Macdara Wayfinder
Place of Death
Iatromantion Kalaon
Aligned Organization


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