Cancellomare Settlement in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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The fortified town of Cancellomare dates to the time of the Empire of Kataris, and has always been considered a strategic military point. Prior to the Second War of Savuran Independence, the town was controlled by Aldernord; following the Rebellion in Vinzaglio it became a naval staging post in the Alderni attempt to retake the city, until Savuran forces spearheaded by the Order of the Three Swords seized the island in a surprise attack through the fortress' teleportation circle.   There remains a heavy military presence in the town, which is controlled the Autokrator Ricardo di Sola di Triponzo, Ploimarch of the Second Fleet and adoptive brother to the Dictator.
Founding Date
65 AK
Large town
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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