Arnsten Vigrunsson Character in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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Arnsten Vigrunsson

Arnsten Vigrunssson, sometimes referred to as Arnsten Eisenhjarta or the Ironhearted, was the High King of Old Volsanger at the time of the Black Wind. Little information about him survived the destruction of his kingdom; that which has done so suggests that he was a powerful and rather ruthless leader, who when the army of the dead arose from the freezing mists of the South refused the urges of his advisers to fall back to Ulfgart, choosing instead to lead his soldiers in a doomed and ultimately ineffectual last stand that achieved little.   He is believed to have been a bearer of the Hexblade sword Power Which Begets Power, which likely contributed to his downfall.   He is very occasionally considered to be one of the Wakeful Dead - though in truth it appears that Power Which Begets Power has gained the ability to appear as him in the dreams of the mortals to whom it chooses to manifest.
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