Aiskapekos Geographic Location in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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Aiskapekos is experienced as endless crystalline caves containing all manner of wonders and pleasures. Though many initially experience this place as almost paradisiacal, in truth the evil of the Hell of the Desirous is all the more terrible on account of its insidiousness. Those shades who are drawn to the crystal halls will soon enough find that the joys they enjoyed in life become stale and meaningless; jaded and numb to the infinite pleasures that they are provided with - illusory though they may be - most slowly lose all sense of individuality and become little more than hollow vessels, while others degenerate into ever more extreme acts of selfish debauchery, inexorably treading the path of Descent which leads to their transformation into demonic beings.   Aiskapekos is ruled by the Temples of Desire, who ultimately serve the being known as the Lotus Queen
Alternative Name(s)
Hell of the Desirous, Caverns of Delight
Location under
Inhabiting Species


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