Aef Character in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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Aef the Mortal

  Aef's mortal life is something of an enigma, and what tales there do exist are contradictory. According to some accounts, they dwelled in Volsanger around the time of the Black Wind , and sailed north with Baltha Sturmdottir in 546AK; according to others, they lived in Lokjevo around a hundred years later, and were witness to the rise of Erastes Tideborn to power in the Adric Isles. They are best known by the works attributed to them, a corpus of heroic poetry in the Volsangan tradition, and are also referred to in numerous sagas in which they are depicted as a warrior-poet, travelling and adventuring with a great number of other heroes.   Some believe that "Aef the Wanderer" may not even refer to a single specific individual, but rather that it is a title taken on by members of a secret society of Volsangan skalds of the College of Valour.  

Aef the Ancestor

  Aef is counted among the Wakeful Dead of the Volsangans, considered a heroic ancestor who should be venerated and emulated by the living. Those who venerate Aef consider them to be one of the finest skalds of the Volsangan tradition, second perhaps only to Yura the Lore-Singer. Some even claim that Aef may have been a reincarnation of Yura the Lore-Singer, and whilst this is not widely accepted, it is not entirely without evidence to support it.   In common with most of the Wakeful Dead, Aef rarely intervenes in the physical world in an obvious fashion. Those who claim to have encountered them in dreams and visions tend to speak of a cowled human figure, gazing off into the endless horizon, who speaks in cryptic riddles and encourages their aspirants to seek out adventures of their own, rather than follow in their own footsteps.
Divine Classification
Metaphysical Title
Masks and Aliases
Yura Lore-Singer (disputed)


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