S8. "Hit me, baby, one more Shrine!" Report in Legacy in Leilon! | World Anvil

S8. "Hit me, baby, one more Shrine!"

General Summary

21 Marpenoth - 22 Marpenoth   Shawna (Flicker) — 01/21/2022 Jan 20 - The Shrine (part 1?)   The group felt more powerful as they awoke at the Ranch and prepared to depart for the Shrine   Keth handed out shares of Radlis' gold and rations, then showed the group he had been practicing minor illusion with some impressive chairs   Raiya found herself with a new companion, a medium-small pearlescent drake she named Tsuki   After arriving at the Shrine, the horses they had borrowed from the Ranch were tied up safely   Wolfaen went invisible and walked around most of the compound, noticing many orc enemies, before discovering a living prisoner tied up next to two orcs and two ogres   The group had a difficult time coming up with a way to save the prisoner and not die, then agreed to go with Raiya's plan of distraction using her new Drake   The Brutish ogre ran after Tsuki while everyone but Flicker hid well. Flicker drew the attention of the other Frightening ogre and was spotted immediately.   This greatly frustrated Raiya who jumped in to turn the Frightening ogre's attention on her by attacking   Keth also attacked that ogre, weakening it, and was brought down to 1 HP in the process   Raiya downed the weakened ogre while Tsuki continued to keep the Brutish ogre busy a good distance away   Wolfaen went up against the two nearby orcs on his own while Flicker, as a mouse, snuck around to the captive to loosen a head covering   The now unhooded captive, a Spring Eladrin whose name the group does not yet know, teleported to safety while Wolfaen, with his trusty rapier, finished off the orcs who were planning to eat her   Everyone agreed to get the hecky hey outta there and ran for the trees   Other orcs spotted the Eladrin, who took time to recover her stolen toolboxes and bags, and knocked her out while the rest of the group ran ahead and around   Wolfaen went back for her before joining the group as they all ran and hid through the forest   the session closed with Raiya and Flicker stablizing the elf


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