S4. Manticore with Umbrage Report in Legacy in Leilon! | World Anvil

S4. Manticore with Umbrage

General Summary

15 Marpenoth - 16 Marpenoth   Arriving at Umbrage Hill, the group encounters a Manticore harrassing Adabra who is trapped within her windmill.   They start to negotiate with it, but Radliis provokes it into a fight. They wound it and it flies off threatening to come back with its mate and kill them all.   They force Adabra to return to Phandalin so they can collect the 25 gp for the quest, and collect from Harbin Wester. Harbin tries to see if they got a "hat", but Pumba declines to hand it over.   The PCs level up to 2, and stay the night in Town, laying low in case Redcloaks are looking for them.   Then, they head off again to the Dwarven Excavation to complete that mission. It takes another day to get there, and they arrive to learn from the dwarves that they will give them Sending Stones if they will clear out the nasty oozy thing in the temple they are excavating. The party agrees and then head in to begin exploring and looking for it. They head off in different directions, of course, just like they did with the mimic, and the same two find the ooze as well!
Report Date
23 Dec 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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