S1. Meeting in Town and Feeding the Pigs Report in Legacy in Leilon! | World Anvil

S1. Meeting in Town and Feeding the Pigs

General Summary

12 Marpenoth - 13 Marpenoth   "The Bardless" come to Phandalin and play in the Stonehill Inn. They meet an elven paladin and a human rogue. 2 Snarky Roughians jeer and insult them, and a fight breaks out. With two Redcloaks bleeding out a few minutes later, and Toblen decides to help them hide the bodies in some pig stomachs.   Other shenanigans ensue, and in the morning, The Bardless and Wolfaen (the rogue) decide to take job that will take them out of town for a while...and they head off to Gnomengarde.

Missions/Quests Completed

None. But they did dispose of two Red Cloaks...

Character(s) interacted with


1 day.
Report Date
18 Nov 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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Mar 20, 2022 00:54 by Shawna From Michigan

It was so much more traumatic !!!

Mar 22, 2022 04:32 by Jim "GameKn1ght" Dickinson

Feeding a severed Bugbear head to the pigs a few days later was much harder on them, I assure you...just ask Toblen.