Axeholm Building / Landmark in Legacy in Leilon! | World Anvil


“Within a mountain fifteen miles south of Phandalin stands the ancient dwarven fortress of Axeholm, which has been sealed for years. If a dragon attack is imminent, the people of Phandalin might need to evacuate and take refuge in Axeholm. To that end, someone needs to open the fortress and make it safe for habitation. Once you accomplish these tasks, return to Townmaster Wester to collect a reward of 250 gp.”
  Axeholm is a dwarven fortress carved into the base of a mountain fifteen miles south of Phandalin. The site was abandoned and sealed up long years ago after being haunted by a banshee — the restless spirit of a moon elf ambassador named Vyldara, as the heroes have discovered from the pieces of a journal left behind, who tried and failed to foment civil unrest among the dwarves. The dwarves imprisoned the elf and sent messages to her people, asking that they come to collect her. Before envoys could be sent, Vyldara killed two guards trying to escape, only to be cut down by dwarven axes before she could succeed.   When the elf’s evil spirit started filling Axeholm’s halls with deathly wails, the dwarves abandoned their stronghold, but not before several dwarves slain by the banshee arose as ghouls to feed on their kin. Ghouls and other creatures once prowled Axeholm, while the banshee haunted the fortress’s upper halls. The banshee tried to kill the party with her scream, but they survived and dispatched her. In its twisted spectral mind, she was defending her home from trespassers, but the place is now free from her.   See S17. Axeholm Report  and S18. Axeholm Run! Report for details.   The party has cleaned out all the dangers, and started to make the place inhabitable.


  • Axeholm
    Abandoned Fortress of the Dwarves.
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