Quinn Character in Legacy | World Anvil
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●○○ Devotant (Wits, Gardeners)
●○○ Healer
●○○ Vestige (Last of my colony)
You are guided by a vision or prophecy.


My home settlement got devastated by a mysterious disease after we destroyed our ecosystem. Only I got spared after a strenuous sickness and during my sickness I had a vision of the gardeners. I devoted my life to heal the wounded and pay my dues to the gardeners that I believe to have saved my life.   Background vow: I vowed to to gain favor with gardernes by healing the sick and restoring nature.  
  • Look: Middle aged, boring
  • Act: Always does everything extra careful and somewhat slowly
  • Wear: Green robes with a shovel stitched on the back
  Personal items:
Edge: 1
Heart: 2
Iron: 2
Shadow: 1
Wits: 3

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