Weapon Details in Left in the Dark | World Anvil

Weapon Details

The the four melee and ranged attack tables all list the following details:  
  • Damage: This is the weapon’s damage. The attack inflicts this amount of damage plus Strength for melee attacks, or plus Perception for ranged attacks.
  • Minimum Strength: A character must have the minimum Strength listed to use the noted weapon effectively. This may be due to the weapon’s shape, size, or weight. If a character does not meet the Strength requirements necessary for a muscle-powered weapon, it cannot inflict more than 1d6–1 damage. If the character can’t meet the minimum for a firearm, they suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls.
  • Impact/Penetrating/Ballistic (I/P/B): Description of the damage source from the listed weapon. No weapons deal penetrating damage by default, unless equipped with armour-piercing ammunition.
  • Stun/Wound: Generally, unarmed attacks, light blunt weapons, and electroshock weapons deal stun damage, while all other weapons deal wound damage.
  • Resources Target Number: The TN used when attempting to use the Resources ability to acquire equipment. This difficulty may vary depending on the game’s location setting or a character’s circumstances.
  The Firearms and Other Ranged Weapons tables contains the following information exclusively for ranged attacks:  
  • Rate of Fire (RoF): A weapon’s rate of fire is classified as either a single shot (SS), semiautomatic (SA), or automatic (A). When attacking with SA and A weapons, the result from the Stunt Die rolled for the attack represents multiple bullets, referred to as the rate of fire bonus (see Chapter 2: Basic Rules). Certain stunts may be performed only with automatic weapons.
  • Range: If a target is within this range, an attack takes place normally. At 1.5 × range, the attack can still hit, but incurs a –2 penalty to do so. Weapons in the Thrown and Grenade groups have an automatic range of 15 yards + the attacker’s Strength rating.
  • Capacity: The amount of ammunition a weapon holds before requiring a reload action, represented on a 2 to 6 scale. The player must compare the Stunt Die to the capacity on a failed attack. A lower result means the character can keep firing, while equal or greater means the character must reload. A capacity of — implies a single shot weapon that requires reloading after each attack. All weapons in the Thrown and Grenade Groups have — capacity due to their natures.
  • Reload: After expending all ammunition in a ranged attack, a character must reload their weapon before resuming fire. Reload is a major, minor, or free action depending on the weapon and the character’s talents and stunts. The table contains the default type of action required. Weapons from the Thrown and Grenade groups all have a reload time of one minor action.


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