Abilities in Left in the Dark | World Anvil


Your character is defined by nine abilities: Accuracy, Communication, Constitution, Dexterity, Fighting, Intelligence, Perception, Strength, and Willpower. Taken together these abilities map out your character’s strengths and weaknesses.

Accuracy represents your character’s physical precision and skill with finesse and ranged weapons, such as bows and rapiers.
Communication covers your character’s social skills, personal interactions, and ability to deal with others.
Constitution is your character’s fortitude and resistance to harm.
Dexterity encompasses your character’s agility, hand-eye coordination, and quickness.
Fighting is your skill at combat with heavier weapons, such as axes and spears.
Intelligence is a measure of your character’s smarts, knowledge, and education.
Perception covers all the senses and the ability to interpret sensory data.
Strength is your character’s physical prowess.
Willpower encompasses mental toughness, discipline, and confidence.  

Your character’s abilities start at 0 and you get ten advancements to increase them. Each advancement you spend raises an ability by 1, but no ability can be greater than 3 (At the start). You must spend all ten advancements. Races and backgrounds then modify these starting ratings as normal.


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