The Council of Voices Organization in LastHaven | World Anvil
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The Council of Voices

Whilst the city of Last Haven is technically ruled by the Crystal Prince, no one has seen or heard from any of the occupants of the Crystal Spire in hundreds of years. Into this power gap, the major institutions of the city have stepped up, forming the Council of Voices. Made up of 160 seats, with a broad array of noble houses, temple representatives, guild leaders and other important organisations, the Council dictates the general planning of the city, and its broad strategic aims. The actual running of the city is left to whichever organisation happens to have control of a certain area, with conflict and politicing shifting the borders constantly.


There are 160 seats on the Council of Voices, split between the four main powerhouses of Last Haven; the Noble Houses, the Guilds, the Temples, and the City Institutions. These 160 seats are split between 34 members, most of whom can claim more than one seat. Some, such as the powerful Noble Houses of Marbledane and Bluefall, and the Artificers Guild, have nine seats, but most have between three and six.   One seat equates to one vote on matters brough to the Council, but voting is rarely that clear-cut. Most of the Noble Houses patronise a Guild, and their wealth and influence is usually enough to ensure that the Guild votes the same way as the Noble House.  
Geopolitical, City council
Alternative Names
The Council

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