The Mortal Races in Laruna | World Anvil
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The Mortal Races

When Forenon the Betrayer explained to world leaders what he had done with the Arga’sheel, he accidentally coined the phrase “Mortal Races.” Specifically referring to any race that could suitably inherit and control Legacy, the term has held ever since.       In current times, there are five widely accepted Mortal Races, each with their own traits, culture and history. In the following section you will get an in depth look at each, supplying you with the necessary information to understand their place in the world, as well as relevant game mechanics when playing as one. Each race has a detailed history explaining their origin and current status in Laruna. This will give insight needed to properly craft a story for characters who will be members of the race. Both Inherent and chosen Traits will be listed, showing the native capabilities and attributes of each race, as well as some of the typical variations seen among their members. Even a land like Laruna that has spent most of its history with the mortal races living side by side is not free of prejudice based off of race. Indeed, entire kingdoms may use race as a requirement for citizenship, while other institutions project the racial feuds of yesteryear on the individuals of today. Such prejudice does not only exist between the separate races, however. Even within an individual race things such as bloodlines, familial relations, and geographic location can lead to conflict. In fact, a human from Izumo may find themselves having more in common with a Garaith than they would with a human from Narrafin. And of course, all of these conflicts have found themselves heightened rather than dampened by Legacy, as age-old associations are made anew.