Descendent in Laruna | World Anvil
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”Once the agents of the Elder God, the Descendants who populate Laruna are the progeny of the few who chose to stay behind. When the Elder God recalled the Descendant army from The Dreamcatcher, several of the them chose to stay, sacrificing their Arga’sheel to remain among the mortals of a land they had come to love. Giving up their power has changed the once godlike entities into a mortal people. Despite their new existence, the Descendants are a regal, wise, and somewhat aloof race that has played a pivotal role in the rise of humanity, as well as shaping Laruna, both before and after their change.”        
Male Descendents
  CULTURE At the time of their arrival in the third age, Descendants were a disciplined, unparalleled army in the service of the Elder God. They wielded Arga’sheel with expertise and used this power to wage war against titans and dragons alike. Countless years have passed since the Descendants were the undisputed lords of Laruna, but that fact has not erased their sense of duty which obliges them to monitor the humans, and ensure there is never again destruction at the level seen during the “Great War.” It is the severity with which Descendants undertake their obligations that drove so many to remain. When the Elder God called them home, many had worked so diligently to ensure humans thrived that they couldn’t bear to leave them. Part duty, part love of their charge, many Descendants begged the Elder God to remain. This request was granted, but the Elder God had decreed no Arga’sheel would remain in Laruna, so those who chose to stay would be forced to relinquish it and be changed; become mortal. This sacrifice, their service in the Elder Gods army, and their strangely codependant existence would shape the culture and way of life for Descendants through the ages. A proud and noble people, the Descendants prize duty, devotion, and tradition above all things. Having once served the Elder God by nurturing humanity through its infancy, they are powerfully predisposed towards nurturing and protecting the lesser races. Every Descendant is raised to know that their ancestors felt this duty so important, they eventually sacrificed their Arga’sheel and place in the Elder God’s service, just to continue it. Though they no longer possess their former might, the Descendants still look upon the other mortal races as somewhat less than their own people. This is not to say they do not love, respect, or admire them in their own way. Instead, they see themselves as mortals by choice, where the other races are mortal by design. This prevailing worldview gives rise to the widespread prejudice against the Descendents, claiming them to be overly arrogant self-righteous, and vain. This is especially true when it comes to Mesmulot. Their shared and storied past has ingrained in both of their societies a deep mistrust. This is not to say that Mesmulot and Descendants cannot get along peacefully, but no Descendant can study their people’s history without learning about the Whisper War, and all of the sensitive opinions and strong emotions that come with it. While it can be said that the hallmark of human dominion is the sheer area which their presence covers, Descendant cities are a lesson in efficiency. Between their slowly growing population and the use of the sky as their homeland, Descendants concentrate their populus into much smaller territory than other races. In addition to their settlement methods, Descendants also cling to one another more readily than other races due to the manner in which they survive. Unlike other beings, they do not require traditional food, instead surviving via an act called “The Exchange” where two Descendants transfer lifeforce between one another. This processes revitalizes their bodies, and gives them a deep bond that can not be replicated by other mortals. While the Exchange can be conducted with non-Descendants, it is said to be a deeply dissatisfying experience, leading most Descendants to only Exchange with outsiders out of necessity. The Exchange in many ways shapes Descendant culture, giving rise to their fierce loyalty to one another, and instinct to nurture others. It has also lead to Descendant communities being common throughout Laruna; many Descendants are loathe to relocate without bringing partners that they can Exchange with. It s a common Descendant expression that the loneliest existence in Laruna is the one-sided Exchange; a Descendant with no partner. For this reason, Descendant communities tend to be unquestionably open to traveling kin, often making their homes, and their hearts via the Exchange, available to those Descendants who are in need. Combine this with their love of tradition and insular settling methods, and it is no surprise the mortals of Laruna view them as xenophobic and aloof. Despite the tightly knit communities they live in, the Descendants are not without a profound sense of obligation to the outside world. Deeply rooted in their world view is the premise that their people are Laruna’s true guardians, and its inhabitants their responsibility. At best this can make them stalwart mediators of large conflicts between the other races. At worst, they can become domineering and meddlesome, often to a point of provoking hostility.   LEGACY VIEWS Alshara’s Legacy is a constant reminder of a difficult time for the Descendants. As a people, they were divided on how to handle Alshara until Forenon revealed the true purpose of the Towermen. Alshara filled the Descendants with equal parts pride and sorrow, much as a child might for their parent. On one hand, he was aspiring to great things all in the name of bringing humans closer to the Young Gods. On the other, he was committing an audacious blasphemy by seeking to undo the Young God’s will and break the Bloodoath. In the end, the Descendants are glad they played a key role in stopping his madness, though they may never fully erase the guilt they suffer over their hand in birthing it. Descendants born with Legacy are revered among their own people, but thinking this is a birthright of entitlement and wealth would be foolhardy. Those who inherit a mark are expected to uphold the lofty Descendant ideals of duty and devotion with extreme vigor. Seen by their peers as blessed with a gift, Legacy bearers are scrutinized excessively, earning unparalleled glory when their deeds are praiseworthy, and equally devastating derision when their deeds are less significant. Unlike the other mortal races, Descendants had once possessed the Arga’sheel in their own right and thus have no strong prejudices regarding which mark a person is born with. They don’t reflexively cheer those who inherit the Light, nor do they systematically fear or detest those who inherit the Dark. Instead, they see only the merit or flaw in how the possessor uses their power.  
Female descendent
  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION More so than humans, Descendants have strong, muscular bodies. Both males and females are on average a foot taller than humans, which coupled with their large, nearly body-length wings, gives them a physically imposing stature. Fully extended, a Descendants wings are normally twice as wide as the Descendant is tall. The skin of a Descendant has a mild shimmer to it, sparkling faintly in bright light. Tone can range from sea green to pale blue, though on rare occasions a Descendant is born with a fair ivory, near human color.   INHERENT TRAITS   Attribute Bonuses: +1 STR, +1 INT, +10 mana EXCHANGE These beings thrive on communal energy that is shared amongst them. They do not eat as other races, instead passing primal essence between each other to invigorate and re-energize their physical bodies. This process temporarily heightens the senses of both parties, as the exchange of energy grants them a keen subliminal awareness of their partner. In order to perform the Exchange, a Descendant must stand in extremely close proximity to their willing partner. Beyond that, performing the Exchange is effortless, as a light mist of primal essence lifts off the partner and into the Descendant. Each phase spent performing the Exchange drains 5 Stamina from the target. For every 15 Stamina taken this way, the Descendant receives a +3 bonus to any Social AT made targeting the partner within the next hour. It is important to note that this feeding of energy does not require reciprocation. Normally two Descendants will both feed on one another’s energy, creating an equal exchange that leaves both parties intimately connected. They share Stamina loss and gain in equal parts and acquire a resulting Social AT bonus against one another, placing them on equal footing. In the case where a Descendant performs the Exchange and their target is either unwilling to reciprocate, or is not a Descendant and thus unable to do so, the Exchange becomes a one way process. Regardless of the target’s race, the Exchange can only be performed on them if they are willing, and must allow the Descendant to feed on their energy. Penalty: Every 24 hours that pass without exchanging energy with a fellow Descendant or drinking energy from a different race, the Descendant has their Endurance reduced by 2 and Strength reduced by 1. Neither Endurance or Strength can be lowered below 1 in this way. This can cause a Descendent to become indefinitely suspended in a weakened state if unable to conduct exchange for extended periods of time. While they won’t starve to death as a human who was denied nourishment would, they will become sickly, looking haggard and suffering from a general malaise. This Endurance and Strength loss remains until the Descendent performs the Exchange, which returns all Attribute points that have been lost in this manner after a total of 15 stamina has been drained.   GLIDE Descendants are able to use their wings to glide from any height safely to the ground. The amount of distance a Descendant can glide is 3 times the height of the point of origin.   Chosen Traits   Flight Born with particularly strong wings, you are capable of actual flight.   Effect: You May move through the air at your normal movement speed. Flying in this way costs 5 stamina per phase.   Attuned Your heritage grants you a stronger link to the Arga’Sheel, making it easier to reabsorb Legacy energy.   Effect: When absorbing Legacy from Kreesh Nexi or other Legacy bearers to gain energy, gain an additional +3 energy.   Sight Beyond Sight Your eyes retain their magical enhancement once possses by all Descendents. This sight was originally used to assist in their dealings with humans and their wild emotions.   Effect: By spending 2 mana, you may see the auras of all sentient creatures for 1 phase. This aura will depict the general emotional state of the target, giving you a +5 bonus to any Social AT you make targeting them within the next several minutes. While Sight Beyond Sight is in use you require no light to see, giving you normal vision in total darkness.   Vessel Of Power As your ancestors once possessed powerful magic, so are you built to house vast magical power.   Effect: +30 Mana   Feedback Your primal essence carries with it a special potency, giving you the ability to grant another a boost to their vitality.   Effect: Upon completing the Exchange, you may grant the target an amount of temporary health fortifying their body. You may spend an amount of stamina up to your Endurance score giving the target 5x that amount in temporary health for 1 hour. Feedback may not be in use on more than one target at a time.