The Prime Gary Myth in Larissia | World Anvil
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The Prime Gary

In the 4th century, a self proclaimed archaeologist was searching for the lost poems of Pakul in Plains of Shnogmac. On his second dig site, he found something, but it was not anything he had ever heard of. Gary found an ancient artifact that had duplicated his body. He was fascinated with the technology. He studied it, as well as the "clone" it had produced, for a week, then the ancient site spawned another clone. The Prime Gary discovered that the machine must be on a cycle; sure enough, a week later, another Gary followed. The Garys continued to flow from the ancient ruin for years. An enclave of Garys was formed, led by the Prime Gary and dedicated to find a way to stop the relic from producing more Garys. The Prime never lived to see the cloning mechanism be disabled; for hundreds of years it continued producing Garys weekly. Many of the Garys grew disorganized and discouraged. Some Garys left to explore the rest of Valdwen, some formed clans bonded by their disagreements over the differences of more diverse Garys. The most prominent clan remains the Enclave of Garys, while the most problematic clan is a group that believes the Prime was a Gary (Jerry).

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