Plains of Shnogmac Geographic Location in Larissia | World Anvil
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Plains of Shnogmac

The Plains of Shnogmac were once a beautiful and bountiful farmland, but now a dry and grassy flatland ravaged by war is all that remains. Many say the spirits of the souls left to haunt the battlefields of the past can be heard at night. It is rumored that during the first battle at the Plains of Shnogmac soldiers digging war tunnels found fabled The Spring of Health. Many warn against seeking out the spring, claiming it is evil in origin.


Plains of Shnogmac have one distinguishing feature that stands out from the flat grasslands; Pakul's Plateau. It is said the god of music Pakul wrote most of his war ballads atop the plateau. Some of his most devout followers believe that he left some of his unread poems buried beneath the plateau, but most believe this to be just one of Pakul's many japes that has no resolution.

Fauna & Flora

Weeds, dry brown grass, sparse and mostly dead trees, small mammals and birds, anacondas and other snakes, clones of a hermit named Gary.
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