Lanternal The Destruction of the Towers of Magic

The Destruction of the Towers of Magic

Era beginning/end


The peasant revolt against the Mage Aristocracy.

In the ancient feudal societies of Miras, most civilizations found themselves being ran by mages. The most powerful mages were able to conquer other regions easily and quickly solidify power. Human greed naturally led to these nobles amassing their own hordes of treasure and influence, and eventually created a inarguable Mage Aristocracy.   After several centuries, some noble mages decided to separate themselves from the lesser classes and founded their own private mage academic societies in the shape of opulent towers. These towers had strict admittance regulations limited to only noble bloodlines leading to an incestuous pit of ideologies. The divide of the Magic and Non-magic classes resulted in a social revolution that took place between 1291 EM and 1296 EM.   The divide between the noble class and the serfs collapsed as the Towers of Magic were finally torn down. Only one tower, The Triskelion , remained due to its central location in Roue D'or and its laissez faire regulations on admittance. This event marked the end of the Age of Magic.

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