Yuzana Settlement in Lanternal | World Anvil


Many centuries ago, the kingdom of Yuzana was under the oppressive rule of the cunning and powerful serpent folk. With their mastery over dark magic, these reptilian beings instilled fear and tyranny across Gievrys and Akaris. However, an uprising led by a band of brave heroes liberated the kingdom from the serpent folk's grasp. In the aftermath of the serpent folk's defeat, a new ruler emerged, and for a time, the kingdom of Yuzana was at peace.   The uprising's leader was an Elf named Gareca. Gareca wanted to solidify his position as ruler of Yuzana, and by co-opting their symbology and dark magic, he capitalized on the lingering fear and fascination with snakes that the serpent folk once invoked. Dubbing himself Serpent King of Yuzana, Gareca ruled for hundreds of years while delving deeper into the secret magic of the serpent folk.


Daily governance is overseen by the Anlatai Council of Yuzana. The Anlatai enacts the will of the Serpent King by enforcing laws and commanding the Yuzan army.


Yuzana's society has become heavily influenced by the lich's rule. Snake symbology is omnipresent throughout the kingdom, with serpent motifs adorning architecture, clothing, and even the banners of the ruling class. The Serpent King ensured that these idols remain in place for centuries to manipulate the populace's fear and devout reverence for serpents.  

Snake Gardens

The people of Yuzana have cultivated sanctuaries where various species of native serpents are protected and revered. These are landscaped to mimic natural snake habitats and provide a serene environment for both the snakes and the worshippers. Within these gardens are the temples where the Yuzan practice worship for the resident snakes. These areas include open-air amphitheaters, altars adorned with Serpent King idols, and stone circles used for communal gatherings and religious ceremonies.


Yuzana features a range of landscapes that reflect its tumultuous history. Dense, ancient forests hide remnants of the serpent folk's reign, with winding trails to ruins deep within their depths. In contrast, some regions of Yuzana have retained their natural beauty, untouched by the serpent folk or the Serpent King's influence. Serene lakes shimmer under the moonlight, and majestic mountain ranges provide a sense of awe and wonder.   The marvelous beaches of Yuzana are notable for their black iron sand. Folk tales spread that the black sand holds a mysterious power, and those who know its secret alchemical properties can harness it for various purposes, such as forging powerful weapons or creating enchanted artifacts.


Yuzana experiences monsoonal patterns, which means that the arrival of the monsoon season causes significant changes in the weather. This brings heavy rainfall to the region during certain times of the year. Due to the high humidity in the tropical country, the air can feel moist and sticky, with the humidity reaching its peak during the monsoon season.   Yuzana experiences consistently warm temperatures throughout the year. Summers are particularly sweltering, with occasional heatwaves pushing temperatures into deadly ranges.
Founding Date
577 First Era
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
by Midjourney

Articles under Yuzana

Cover image: by Midjourney


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