Peyamir Species in Lanternal | World Anvil


Peyamir believe themselves to be the creations of their goddess Peyadi, and they once lived on the moon of the same name. After the catastrophe that desolated the moon's surface, these beings sequestered themselves into clusters of pocket dimensions called seas. The time dilation within these pocket dimensions makes traveling from one sea to another a tremendous social risk for the traveler as more time will pass inside the starting sea than the time it takes to travel to the destination sea. The general desolate nature of the surface of Peyadi in combination with the oddities of time has led to a wide variety of Peyamir cultures and ethnicities.

Basic Information


Adult Peyamir are tall and frail-looking humanoids. Their hands and feet have six digits and their heads resemble an upturned crescent.   As newborns, Peyamir are birthed in a tadpole-like form. Their limbless bodies are boney and devoid of cushiony fats, yet their heads appear fully formed. They must remain swaddled during most of their upbringing to allow suitable conditions for limb growth, however de-swaddled play time is also necessary for muscle growth.   While infants, Peyamir crawl along the ground like inchworms. The typical growth cycle for children will see arm growth at ages between 6 and 10 (Elisian) months old and leg growth at 1 to 2 (Elisian) years old. Muscle development will continue for years typically reaching physical maturity around 16-19 years old (environmental factors endemic to their sea may speed or delay this process) While their bodies may be undeveloped, Peyamir children's minds mature at the same rate as other Elisian races.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Peyamir are among the most reclusive races, though not for the lack of trying to reach Elis. Their homes in the seas are as secluded from each other as they are from the other races in Mun'Dun. Only Peyamir mages with skills sufficient enough to open portals to Elis could have the opportunity to travel to Elis and meet another sentient species. However, most Peyamir with these skills are preoccupied with maintaining the structure of their Sea pocket dimensions.   Interactions between Peyamir and Elisian races are so rare, that the few Elisian mages with skills to reach Peyadi don't know that the Peyamir exist. Those that are aware often confuse the beings with demons from Lon'Dun.
120 years (relative to life on Elis)
Average Height
5'11" - 6'6" Male
5'6" - 6'1" Female
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Midjourney


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