Guild Faction Organization in Lankhmar | World Anvil

Guild Faction

Virtually all of the guilds listed in this section, except the few under the Mercantile Faction, count their members as part 0f this faction.   The Guild Faction certainly has more individual members than either of the other two, but does not possess as much overt power as either the Overlord (through his armed forces) or the Merchants (through their vast financial reserves). Ideally, the Faction should speak for the rights and desires of the common people of Lankhmar; more often than not, however, this represents the wishes of the powerful Guild masters, which are not necessarily those of the members.


  • Plaza District
    Plaza District One of Lankhmar's most notorious marketplaces is the Plaza of Dark Delights, from which the Plaza District takes its name. By day, the plaza is an exotic market. It is the largest in the city. At night, however, it undergoes a startling transformation. In the moonlight, the Plaza of Dark Delights is a quiet and whispery place. Diffused, muted red light illuminates the faces of patrons who are frequently veiled or otherwise hidden. Nobody runs; the clientele shuffles or scuttles from place to place. The wares sold at night are much more exotic and dangerous than those available during the day. Any form of drink or drug can be purchased here. Artifacts of strange gods can be found, many of which are forbidden within the city. No matter how strange a client's tastes in entertainment, there is always someone in the Plaza of Dark Delights who will accommodate them, for a fee. Anyone venturing here at night has a high chance of being accosted by thieves or pickpockets, for the city guards generally give the plaza a wide berth. Because of the many and varied intoxicants available here, a wide range of strange behavior is tolerated and is no cause for comment or alarm. The plaza is a common meeting ground for the black wizards, or fire magicians, of Lankhmar. These small, huddled groups of black-robed power are avoided by other visitors to the plaza. Magical items, though rare in Nehwon, are perhaps more common in the Plaza of Dark Delights than anywhere else.
Alternative Names
Peoples Guild

Articles under Guild Faction


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