Svartalfsbane prison Building / Landmark in Land of the Ancients | World Anvil

Svartalfsbane prison

What else are supposed to do? Risk them getting out when the caves change?

Those who live in the Underdark are faced with a dilemma. What to do with criminals?

Digging out caves or pits to throw them in is a lot of work and not likely going to last as ground shifts will just break any door or gate.

In order to get around this problem prisoners of the Svartalfsbane clan have created a number of cages that can be easily transported and that don't break during ground shifts.

When not being moved the cages just sit on the ground, with at most two prisoners in each one. While more would fit, they become to heavy to lift in that case.

Most of the cages are put in one cave off to the side of the rest of the clans operations. Whichever cave it is that has the cages in it is referred to as the prison.

Prisoners have, at best, a bucket for excrements and a thick blaket to keep the cold out and provide a minimal amount of padding against the bars.

The prison is guarded by a few armed soldiers and maintained by simple workers who number about twice the number of prisoners, but rarely less than five.



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