Alchemists Guild Organization in Land of the Ancients | World Anvil

Alchemists Guild

Welcome to my laboratory. Don't touch anything if you value your hand.

Few guilds are as notorious as the alchemists guild. They are known for causing great fires in their homes, which has led to them being kindly asked to place their homes and labs outside of settlements. Preferably away from trees as well.

The alchemists put up with this because they are well paid to concoct various solutions. Unlike herbalists, they usually stick with purer raw materials, such as metals and minerals.

The guild members pay a portion of their earnings, and in return the members get financial support in dire times, as well as a good communication channel for sharing their discoveries.

The guild also facilitate the construction of larger laboratories in cities, where things can be created in larger scale and where guild members can find respit while travelling.

Guild, Craftsmen


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