The Veil Spell in Lanath | World Anvil

The Veil

The Veil is a powerful mystical barrier which the Gods erected around Lanath to safeguard against the return of the Primordials.
According to legend, after the Primordials and their armies were driven from Lanath, the Gods surveyed the destruction and agreed that they would not be able to protect the world from the Primordial's retaliation. The Gods joined together and enacted a ritual which consumed their life force to create an impenetrable arcane barrier between this world and the rest of the Astral Sea.
The Veil is sometimes visible as shimmering prismatic lights across the night sky
The Veil is not the solution it was initially intended to be.  The Gods created and wrapped a demiplane (a pocket dimension) around Lanath to protect it from the Astral Sea; however this has had the unexpected side effect of trapping all of the souls of the dead inside.  The trapped souls typically either devolve into shadowy embodiments of their most powerful and negative emotions (Sorrowsworn) and begin to feed on other lost souls; or are found and destroyed by demons, part of the Primordials forces who continue their war with the Gods inside the Veil.  The Gods have created beacons and transportation towers throughout the Veil, known as Narati; to enable groups of trained souls, known as Shepherds, to quickly find and rescue the newly arrived lost souls before they can fall prey to the dangers of the Veil.  These Narati all lead back to the God's central city in the Veil, Duranderal.

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