Order of the Veil Organization in Lanath | World Anvil

Order of the Veil

The Order of the Veil is the umbrella term for the polytheistic religion of the Empire of the Shattered Isles. The Order is responsible for tending the spiritual needs of the population, and for leading the worship of the five Gods.
Within the Order, different sects exist who principally worship each of the Gods. Each section can be identified by a religious icon.
The sects are:
The Champions of Lathander: identified by a sun icon. The Champions typically operate at the defenders of the faith. Acolytes are trained in multiple weapons, and most large temples will have a contingent of Champions to act as guards.
The Inquisitors of Selune: identified by a Cresent moon. The Inquisitors are highly trained and devout paladins, who are tasked with rooting out and destroying evil in the dark corners where it festers.
The Sisters of Silvanus: identified by a Tree symbol. The Sisters specialise in providing healing to the populace.
The Harpers of Lliria: storytellers and bards who travel the empire spreading joy and music. In addition, the Harpers form a secret network of agents who ensure the free transfer of knowledge, and act to undermine tyrants and despots.
The Watchers of Kelemvor: identified by an hourglass icon. The Watchers all take a vow of silence as they are inducted into the order. They are responsible for recording and maintaining the history and records of the church, and also for administering funeral rights for the deceased. It is not unusual for a single Watcher to provide this service to multiple smaller villages, travelling between settlements and interring the dead.

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