The Twelve Organization in Lamiel | World Anvil
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The Twelve

The Twelve, formerly known as Worship of the True Gods is organized religion that worships the twelve gods (or rather eleven currently) that were ascended from mortal ranks by angels of High Heavens.

Rather than representing that which is usually deemed virtuous, such as honesty, chastity or diligence, every god represents one of the Great Movers, a constant that move the world of mortals. These Movers are Light, Love, War and Victory, Deceit and Trickery, Life, Craftsmanship, Fate, Growth, Magic, Order, Brutality and last but not least, Death. Although they might not be strictly positive, they represent order of the world. Without these Great Movers, existence would fall into absolute chaos.

Each of The Twelve was formerly a mortal that was chosen as paragon of these Movers, someone who represented these values in their existence beyond any doubt of their belief in them. After their selection, these mortals ascended to High Heavens, where angels and archangels of the domain this mortal represents relinquished powers of said Mover upon these mortals, who left their mortality behind, and began to enforce their Mover in material plane, forever remaining in High Heavens.

In ages past, The Twelve were able to directly intervene in manners of material plane, able to walk it in form of avatars. However, after Krolazar, the second God of Death was destroyed while on his crusade of punishing mortals for what he perceived as misuse of resurrection magics, it was decided that The Twelve would no longer be allowed to directly intervene in manners of material plane, as lone rogue god could cause untold destruction upon the world.

In current day, the Twelve observe the world and their worshippers, bestowing some powers upon their priests and chosen, and send their angels wherever they deem that it is necessary for them to act directly. In rare occasions, they may intervene semi-directly, channeling their will through particularly powerful cleric of theirs.

The Twelve are not worshipped equally. Some communities give more emphasis on some of the gods, usually on those close to their traditions, while some nations and places worship one specific god and eschew worship of others. However, across the Lamiel, this religion bears the name of The Twelve, as even though some gods might be more important to some communities, no one can deny that these deities are connected together in manner that few can hope to sever.
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations


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