Niðr Order Organization in Lamiel | World Anvil
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Niðr Order

I. Origins
In the year 1068 of the Second Age, the Niðr Order emerged from the blood-soaked dream of a Goliath named Almagar Mualimson, a devout worshipper of Agronax, the God of Blood and Brutality. Almagar's vision was driven by a twisted principle: the world's most despised criminals could cleanse their tarnished names and redeem their honor in the eyes of the gods and their people, not by penance, but by facing death in a brutal battle against other convicts, monstrous creatures, and the dark embodiments of evil that lurked in the world.   II. Leadership
Leadership within the Niðr Order was as varied as it was marked by strife. The Order's birth was shepherded by Almagar Mualimson, its founder and the first Bloodguide, who led until his natural death in 1103. The mantle then fell upon Grimgul Ironaxe, a Half-Orc with a fearsome reputation for having single-handedly vanquished three mountain giants. However, his rule was cut short in 1115, when an enraged mob in the town of Varilar retaliated for his ruthless slaying of a local barkeep and his family over an accusation of theft.   From 1115 to 1235, the Order fell under the shadowy rule of the Elders of Blood, a council of five who guided the Order from their hidden keep in the Thranor mountains. But this era was abruptly ended in 1235 by the ambitious Goliath, Sven Rauginson. At merely 19 years of age, Sven overthrew the council, reinstated the role of Bloodguide, and redefined the Niðr Order's purpose by involving them in the political machinations of the Land of the Goliaths.   Sven's rule continued until 1320 when he stepped down due to old age and handed the leadership to his son, Ulderich Svenson. Ulderich led the Order until his death in the year 5 of the Third Age when the Niðr Order was dismantled by the Atreshian Empire.   III. Influence and Power
Under Sven's leadership, the Order's influence grew, striking alliances with rulers and gaining unprecedented privileges. The Niðr Order became uncontested arbiters of justice, free to execute judgment on any marked as a criminal without fear of reprisal. The Order's members, however, remained outcasts, allowed only 48-hour stays in settlements and receiving no assistance from the common folk.   IV. Beliefs and Practices
At the core of the Niðr Order was the belief that sin could be washed away with blood. A Niðr’s duty was to relentlessly pursue and eliminate any criminal they identified, or monstrous threats they stumbled upon. They also received specific assignments from the Order. Failure or refusal to execute these tasks was met with severe consequences - the offender would be marked as a renegade and swiftly dealt with by the Order itself.   V. Recruitment and Trials
The Niðr Order welcomed only the most hardened of criminals. A mysterious figure would approach prospective members with the opportunity to join. Those who accepted were thrust into a grueling year of training, culminating in a series of deadly trials: the Trial of Poison, the Trial of Endurance, the Trial of Pain, the Trial of Anguish, and finally, the Trial of Ascension. Only about three in ten initiates would survive to receive their black armor and weapons of choice, becoming full Niðrs.   VI. Achievements and Infamy
Emerging from the darkest corners of society, the Niðr Order held a terrifying grip over the realm. Their brutal pursuit of their own interpretation of justice resulted in the elimination of numerous criminals and monstrous threats, removing these dangers from society, but often at a high cost. Fearful whispers followed in their wake, as settlements bore the scars of their violent methods and the innocent occasionally got caught in their crossfire.   The rule of Sven Rauginson brought with it a period of stark infamy. He guided the Niðr Order away from their original mission of seeking redemption through combat, using their fearsome reputation and lethal skills for political advantage. Their targets were no longer just vile criminals or dangerous beasts, but also individuals deemed problematic in the political landscape of the Land of the Goliaths.   During this time, the Niðr Order walked a fine line between feared enforcers and dreaded assassins. Their deeds, while they led to a decrease in criminal activity, also resulted in a climate of fear and suspicion. Despite this, their efficacy was undeniable, their ability to transform a path of crime into one of feared power a testament to their brutal methodology.   VII. Downfall
The Niðr Order's story came to a violent and swift end in the year 5 of the Third Age. The Atreshian Empire, a power that had conquered the Land of the Goliaths in 1343 of the Second Age, viewed the Order as a relic of the old times and decided to eliminate it.   The Empire deployed one of its dreaded Starsailers, airships powered by Aetheritetechnology to conduct a bombardment on the Niðr Order's mountain keep. This Starsailer managed to locate the infamous keep and dropped devastating Aetherite bombs that obliterated the fortress and decimated the Order's members and trainees who resided inside.   Among the casualties was the then-leader, Ulderich Svenson, who had ruled the order since 1320 after his father, Sven Rauginson, stepped down due to old age. With the death of Ulderich and the majority of the Order's members, the Niðr Order crumbled.   In the aftermath of this assault, the Atreshian Empire declared the Niðr Order dissolved. Surviving members were declared enemies of the Empire, and an extensive hunt was initiated to track them down. Many fled into hiding, escaping the Land of the Goliaths to avoid the Empire's relentless pursuit.   This marked the end of the Niðr Order as a recognized entity. The once-feared arbiters of justice were scattered to the winds, their influence extinguished, and their legacy left to fade into the annals of history.   VIII. Symbolism and Legacy
The emblem of the Niðr Order was a chilling representation of its purpose - a black raven perched atop a human skull, symbolizing the relentless pursuit of justice, albeit one delivered with brutal finality. Every Niðr was indelibly marked with the raven brand on their hands and necks, their identities forever tethered to the Order through the black armor and masks they donned. Despite the Order's dissolution, its legacy persists. The sight of their emblem and the stories of their ruthless quest for justice continue to evoke a mix of dread and awe, serving as a stark reminder of a brutal and uncompromising force that once roamed the world.

1068 SA - 5 TA

Military Order


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