Lumiére Settlement in Lamiel | World Anvil
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Approximately 50,000; primarily human, with a significant elven minority, many of whom are refugees from the Grand Duchy of Eralenor.


The Northern Sorewenian Republic, a military junta, oversees the governance of Lumiére. Established in the aftermath of the demonic invasion that ravaged the Middle Sorewenian Kingdom, the Republic has focused on rebuilding and fortifying the region, with Lumiére serving as a key stronghold in the north. Owner of the city is the leader of Northern Sorewenian Republic Karlan van Olenhau

Industry & Trade

While the silver mines and the Lumiére Minting House remain the bedrock of the city's economy, there has been a slow but steady growth in the jewelry trade, thanks to the infusion of elven craftsmanship.  A significant addition to Lumiére's industrial landscape is its renowned smithing practice, with a particular emphasis on weapon crafting.

Points of interest

The Lumiére Minting and Mining Museum: A testament to the city's legacy and resilience, offering educational exhibits on the history of mining, minting, and the art of jewelry making.   The Jewelers' Promenade: A vibrant marketplace adjacent to the museum, where artisans display and sell their masterpieces.   The Silver Veil Falls: Located just outside the city, these falls are a natural wonder, known for their shimmering beauty and as a symbol of Lumiére's enduring spirit.


Lumiére is nestled in the northern reaches of the Middle Sorewenian Kingdom, amid rolling hills and the strategic presence of silver mines. The city benefits from the River Saline, which meanders through this hilly terrain, providing essential water resources and contributing to the area's natural defense. The river's flow supports both the city's needs and the irrigation of nearby fields, where a variety of crops are cultivated, thanks to the fertile lands enriched by centuries of river silt.


Lumiére enjoys a temperate climate with distinct seasons, aiding in the cultivation of a variety of crops throughout the year. The summers are warm, while winters are relatively mild but prone to occasional frosts. The area experiences quite a lot of rainfall in autumn.

Natural Resources

Lumiére has bountiful access to local silver mines. A fair share of high-quality iron is also mined locally supporting local industry.
Large city
50 000
Owning Organization


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