Hellstalker Guild Organization in Lamiel | World Anvil
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Hellstalker Guild

The Hellstalker Guild is a rising mercenary company, founded in the first year of the Third Age, specializing in the hunting and eradication of demonic entities and monsters. This initiative came into existence following the devastating demonic invasion of the year 1373 of the Second Age. The event brought together two nobles, Reilam Sylren and Godric Mathers, who developed friendship amidst the chaos and jointly founded the Guild.   The guild's headquarters nestles in Veriadena, the capital of the Atreshian Empire, with local bases operating across West Benia. These bases act as resource and assignment hubs for guild members, and as points of contact for those needing the specialized services of the guild.   Joining the ranks of the Hellstalker Guild is no light undertaking. Only experienced individuals, such as ex-soldiers, mercenaries, and adventurers, are considered for membership. Once accepted, new members undergo rigorous, specialized training in Veriadena, focusing on combating monsters and fiends. Each member is free to choose their gear, allowing them to leverage their individual strengths and experiences.   The Hellstalker Guild, despite its relative youth, has garnered a professional reputation, owing to its money-back guarantee in the event of unsuccessful assignments. However, this assurance of success comes at a steep cost, rendering their services a premium commodity.   One of the guild's most significant achievements thus far occurred in the Western Sorewenian Kingdom. The village of Rolinar, tainted by a demon-worshipping cult and infested with demons, was completely wiped out by a team of eight guild members. This operation, discreetly contracted by the king, further solidified the guild's reputation as a capable and decisive force against the supernatural.   While driven primarily by the pursuit of profit, the guild serves an important role in the ongoing battle against the demonic threats that plague society. Its coat of arms — a black shield emblazoned with a white chevronel, beneath which is depicted a white sword piercing a white demon — stands as a potent symbol of their steadfast determination to combat the forces of darkness.   The Hellstalker Guild, as of the present year, continues its operations, providing its services to those who can afford them, and standing as a bulwark against the evils that hide in the shadows of Benia.
Founding Date
20th of Gahorn 1 TA
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Notable Members


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