Agelbover Settlement in Lamiel | World Anvil
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Agelbover, once the bustling capital of the Middle Sorewenian Kingdom, is now a shadow of its former self.    Located in the northern region of the kingdom and divided by the river Satien, it used to be a center of commerce and governance. Today, the city is unoccupied, save for a handful of vagrants and the occasional visitor.   The Royal Castle, a once-imposing structure, sits empty. It serves as a constant reminder of the city's rich but tragic history. Governance ceased after a demonic invasion in 1373 of the Second Age, which led to the loss of virtually the entire population, including the king and his family. Since then, the castle and its vacant throne have stood unclaimed, testaments to a fallen era.   Agelbover was renowned for its minting house, the largest in the kingdom, and its cobblers who crafted the finest shoes. The heart of this economic activity was the Golden Square, a place that hosted fairs and markets. Now, it lies desolate, an eerie quiet replacing the once-vibrant atmosphere.   The Black Bridge, adorned with now-damaged marble statues, spans the Satien River and connects the city's two halves. It remains one of the kingdom's largest bridges and was once a symbol of unity for the city divided by the river.   No formal governance or law enforces the city today. Yet, its haunting atmosphere serves as its own form of order, deterring most from venturing into its limits. Those who do enter the city often come as mournful pilgrims, visiting the past and contemplating the lessons learned from its downfall.

1373 Second Age

Large city
Owning Organization


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