Ostelan Organization in Lamh | World Anvil
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Ostelan is a place without magic that is ruled by darkness. Those from above do not visit without good reason, nor are those from below allowed up to Extalamh apart from exceptional circumstances.


People of Ostelan are generally hard, with little love to give. Birthdays are rarely celebrated, nor are holy days. Ostelians live to survive.   Those from above believe Ostelians to worship Melora, though that may no longer be true.

Demography and Population

Humans, dwarves, orcs, halflings, goblins. Split depends on the city. Certain outliers and oddities may also occupy parts of Ostelan.

Technological Level


Agriculture & Industry

Farming is done through the battery farms of Ashmore. Oil refineries are placed in the deadlands between cities. Steel and ore refinement is done in Voxtein, where the ores are harvested from the mountains that surround it.

Trade & Transport

The main methods of transport within cities are:
  • Walking
  • Square-edged trams, made of open metal
Travel between cities:
  • Hot air balloons that look like small airships
  • Ornithopters (large mechanical birds that occupants sit in the body of)
  • Spider tanks
  • Long tram journeys for the poor

Order in Civility

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The below
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
SP and CP. GP only used in rich areas (the Cross and the trading district).
Major Imports
Voxtein produces metal and metal goods, while Ashmore covers food production. These are both imported to Ironport, which is in the middle of the two, and merchants from both Voxtein and Ashmore visit Ironport to purchase bulk amounts of goods to bring back to their own city and sell on.
Judicial Body
Priests interpret visions and enact their interpretations as laws. Laws are spread through Ostelan by telegram or messengers that travel using various methods of transport.
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