Burn Harbour Settlement in Laan | World Anvil
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Burn Harbour

General Information

Perhaps one of the most poorly understood communities in Mitlind, the people of Burn Harbour hve adapted their way of life around survival at all costs.



The core ideology of Burn Harbour's citizenry is known simply as Non-Permenance, and is the idea that nothing lasts forever. Many people here reach maturity with very few possessions and are encouraged to pour themselves into their work.

Tower Worship

Perhaps due to Burn Harbour's non-permenance ideology, many give offerings to The Tower, not because they wish for destruction, but because they want the destruction to be quick and painless.

Industry & Trade

As Burn Harbour, as its name suggests, is a harbour town and has made strong reations with certain trading guilds from Akora. Additionally, seeing as it's import tarrifs are much laxer than that of Morris Cove, many pirates use Burn Harbour to smuggle goods through the country while also avoiding intervention from the Morris Cove navy.


During the Second Dossil War Burn Harbour was the staging ground for one of the key conflicts due to its ports and trading connections. During this war, the people of Burn Harbour razed their own town down in defiance, believing that if they couldn't keep it, no-one deserved to take it. As such, the practice of building their structures out of easily flamable and destructible materials is maintained, and all of the more modern homes have underground storage shelters.


Nestled on the North-East coast of Mitlind, and surrounded by shallow waters, Burn Harbour is an ideal trading outpost and critical importer in the country. Due to this and a combination of open plains to its South; Burn Harbour is a major supplier of international goods throughout the country.
There once was a man from Burn Harbour,
Who grew up not knowing his father,
He stood there with pride,
As his family home fried,
And he said "I get to fry after!" - Limerick written about Burn Harbours strange ideology of Non-permenance.
Large town


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