Toryn Arras Character in Kyrælm | World Anvil
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Toryn Arras

Toryn Arras

Raised in the monastery above Galtar, Toryn was an average student but excelled at the fighting arts. Spending all of his spare time training. His passion for hand to hand combat and his knack for it did not go unnoticed. At the age of fifteen Toryn was expelled from the monastery for his lack of inner peace. At the docks of Galtar he learned of fights for money held out to sea. Which is how he got the attention of Vosks father, who admired his fire and welcomed Toryn to his home.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is built for a fight, yet is extremely fleet of foot. if you didn't know him you would probably assume him a barbarian sort.

Body Features

Looking at Toryn you would be hard pressed to tell he is half elf. From his large physique to his beard Toryn looks likea pure blooded human.

Facial Features

Toryn has long blond hair with a long beard that he wears in distain of his years of monistic childhood.

Identifying Characteristics

Toryn has striking golden eyes like no others.

Apparel & Accessories

Despite his distaste for his previous life he still dresses in a simple manner with just a little more Color than is socially acceptable.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

until the age of fifteen Toryn studied at the monetary above town. Here was cast out because he; as the monks put it, lacked inner peace Toryn was not on the street for long before Vosk's father took him into his home.


Very well educated, though most would not know it.


fighting rings

Accomplishments & Achievements

His name is known amongst fighting rings for his power and speed.

Failures & Embarrassments

Toryns biggest failure is being expelled from the monastery. Something that he is still bitter about.

Personality Characteristics


Toryn is always ready to prove himself. He is a fierce friend anda loyal ally.


Contacts & Relations

Toryn is respected in hand to hand fighting circles where he earns his income.

Toryn Arras formerly of the monks lives with Vosk and family, earning money with his fists.

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Dirty blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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