The Dread King Character in Kyrælm | World Anvil
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The Dread King

In the depths of The Deadlands, a sentient undead known as the Dread King reigns over the desolate wasteland. The Dread King is a powerful and malevolent being who commands the legions of undead that roam the region.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Dread King is an ancient and exceptionally powerful undead creature, shrouded in dark magic and imbued with necromantic energies. It is believed that they were once a mortal ruler or a perhaps a powerful necromancer, and that the Dread King's insatiable hunger for power and immortality led them down a path of darkness, eventually transforming them into a fearsome undead being.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Dread King has established their dominion within the heart of The Deadlands. They reside in a foreboding stronghold, a dark citadel, or a vast mausoleum that serves as their seat of power. This dread fortress is fortified and protected by powerful enchantments and guarded by loyal undead minions.

Personality Characteristics


The Dread King is driven by an insidious agenda, seeking to expand their dominion beyond The Deadlands. They may harbor dreams of conquest, desiring to spread their undead legions into the neighboring lands of Ayonore and Ezarus. They may also seek forbidden knowledge, arcane artifacts, or sources of power that can further strengthen their reign of darkness.


The Dread King's existence has become the stuff of legends and cautionary tales. Their name is whispered in hushed tones, and their deeds are recounted in harrowing stories passed down through generations. Adventurers, knights, and even powerful wizards may embark on quests to challenge the Dread King's rule, driven by the desire to rid the land of this malevolent force and bring peace to the region.
Current Location
Ruled Locations


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