Froenian Ethnicity in Kyrælm | World Anvil
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The demonum describing an individual native to Froenia.


Major language groups and dialects

Foenian is the Common language of the world, though there are many regional dialects with different accents and colloquial differences.

Shared customary codes and values

People all over Froenia value noble strength and bearing, heroic thinking and good deeds. Most people in Froenia are Neutral Good, though as always, there are some (often extreme) exceptions.

Common Etiquette rules

Among the nobility, it is expected that conversational exchanges will remain cordial, and at a conversational volume, regardless of how heated the overall conversation is. Commoners are expected to defer to the nobility without question, and there is little expectation of respect from a noble to a commoner. Between commoners, etiquette is much less formal, with conversations ranging from boisterous to violent.

Common Dress code

Nobility often dress in finely tailored clothing in purple or red hues, wearing long coats or dresses with golden gilding for the particularly wealthy. Cobbled leather shoes, polished to a shine, and a cane for men, or a parasol for women, often accompany their outfits.


Beauty Ideals

Froenians consider that men should keep their hair short, and strong angular features should adorn the face. Prominent facial hair is appreciated as well. They should be strong across the back and shoulders, with well-tanned skin. Thick biceps and forearms are valued, and calloused hands and dirty or broken fingernails are considered signs of strength. A strong, square torso is considered strong and attractive. These are true for men of both common and noble birth.   Beauty standards for women change some depending on their social standing. Both common and noble are considered attractive when they appear comfortable and well-fed. They should keep their hair moderate to long, often in a braid or ponytail, unless they are aristocratic, in which case their har is often worn long and loose. Soft, noble facial features and full lips are appreciated among both the common folk and the nobility. A moderate or athletic build with full hips and lightly tanned skin is considered attractive among the common folk, while the nobility often prefer sleighter builds an creamy, pale skin.

Gender Ideals

Men are expected to take the leads in most situations, holding the positions of greatest influence, and a vast majority of military participation and hard labor professions. Women most often take on finer craft professions like weaving or textile making, and rarely participate in the military.

Courtship Ideals

Men are expected to take the lead in courtship, often requesting the permission of his prospective parter's family for permission to pursue a relationship. Courtship between commoners is often swift and passionate with relationships becoming marriages in a mtter of months, while courtship between nobility often stretches for months to years, with noblemen expected to obtain permission from their prospective partner's family, and then prove their worth, often in battle with their country's enemies.
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