Lutrinian/oterfolk Species in Kvarend | World Anvil
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Oterfolket lev i klaner og kongeriker longs elvar og innsjøar, eller som handelsfolk og leiesoldatar på det åpne hav. Den mektigaste klanen er Elver-klana som herskar over Dei Forente Elverika.

Basic Information


Oterfolk ser ut som otere som står på bakbeina, men har meir humanoid form og egenskapar, som gripande tomlar og intellekt.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Oterfolk er dyktige symjarar og kan halde pusten lengre enn dei fleste andre folk.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Seven United River Kingdoms is the largest and most powerful lutrinian faction and rules over a large riverdelta. Islands and local rivers often have an otterfolk settlement, city or kingdom living there.

Beauty Ideals

Smooth, shiny and same colored fur. Wide hips and thick thighs and tail are seen as attractive for both men and women. Opinions on the favorite pebble of a possible mate is very important.

Gender Ideals

The proud otterfolk can at times be conservative, also with gender roles. Men tend to be smiths and carpenters while women tend to be tailors. These crafts have at most a 80-20 split though, and stuff like fishing, trading, book keeping, teaching and otherwise are nearly 50-50.

Average Technological Level

The proud otterfolk have made many discoveries and inventions around water, seafaring and fishing. Possibly to their advantage, the otterfolk rarely delve deep into the arcane, and the few otter mages that exist are either self tought or have studied in non-lutrinian cities. Their ships and fishing tools are some of the best the world has to offer.
Pipiro, an otterfolk sorcerer by Tor Henrik Melle
A male otterfolk sorcerer seen holding a traditional fishing spear.


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