Elistan Character in Krynn | World Anvil


Elistan's life before becoming a Highseeker Priest is unknown. He ran the Seeker faith as fairly as he thought, and tried to stop the flow of atrocities that had started to plague his faithful. He had a white beard, thinning brown-gray hair, was thin and gaunt, and ice-blue eyes.     Early Life :   Elistan was born in the city of Haven. As a young man, he was scholarly and a philosophical bent, always searching for some sign of the old gods. Even when he joined the charlatan group called the Seekers, he continued to look for them. Eventually he makes the ranks of the Highseekers, but contracts a wasting disease.   War of the Lance :   When the War of the Lance broke over Abanasinia, Haven and the Seeker faith fell to the invading Dragonarmies. Elistan and his Seeker leadership were first approached by the Dragon Highlord Verminaard to join with his faith in the Dark Queen. Elistan would have nothing of this but the others joined with him. Once that happened, Verminaard had them all thrown into cages and taken to Pax Tharkas. While there, Elistan labored in the mines until he became too ill to work.   The Companions came to Pax Tharkas in 351 AC, and Travok healed him of his illness. He immediately became a true believer and a follower of Paladine. After he escaped with the Companions he read up on the Disks of Mishakal, learning what the ancient gods of good had to teach.   Elistan took charge of the former slaves of Pax Tharkas, and led them while they were holed up in Thorbardin. After the Companions found the Hammer of Kharas and Thorbardin had its king, he asked the Companions to travel to Tarsis and see if they could get a ship so the refugees may find a place of peace. The Companions departed, and Elistan began his new task of bringing the ancient gods back to the people of Ansalon.

Elistan's life before becoming a Highseeker Priest is unknown. He ran the Seeker faith as fairly as he thought, and tried to stop the flow of atrocities that had started to plague his faithful. He had a white beard, thinning brown-gray hair, was thin and gaunt, and ice-blue eyes.

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