Jorlev Roheim Orlov Character in Kray-Maven | World Anvil
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Jorlev Roheim Orlov

Void Lord Jorlev Roheïm Orlov (a.k.a. The traitor, the viper, the witch's groom)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An emaciated being, with skin as hard as stone and cold as ice. Wrinkled and hypertrophied corpulence with visible veins. An inhuman strength, speed, stamina and agility.

Body Features

Covered in multiples scars, some from battles, some self-made. Hypertrophic muscles.

Facial Features

Miss an eye, not hidden, a lot of scars, most of them self-made.

Identifying Characteristics

A hypertrophied vampire, entirely devoured by hatred, rage and madness, all in dark and red clothes, surrounded by a sort of pale blue-white aura, the void.

Physical quirks

His body is constantly dying, crumbling like burnt clothes in the wind, yet constantly regenerating.

Special abilities

Using the power of void without being consumed, master of the seven sins of blood will; several occult rituals, beast for at full rage.

Apparel & Accessories

The seal of the Lapis Nomine, in a necklace around the neck, and as signet ring on his hand.

Specialized Equipment

Chaos blade, void armour.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A vampire serving Abadai, the lord of the void. He was once the viscount of Alexander Von Wargen, before joining the Lapis Nomine and betraying his lord. He massacred en entire barony of his responsibility, to make a blood pact with Abadaï; then he framed his lord for that crime. Alexander defended himself, proven innocent, and Jorlev convicted, he got condemned to pyre, from which he evaded, and came to Septrial, fleeing a witch's hunt. At Port Boros he found an abandoned manor, and close after, the dying Kenariah fleeing from the Onirem; to which he offered the power of the Damphyrs, and started serving her, bestowing upon her the leadership of the Lapis Nomine. A madman consumed by his own ambition, he does not know what moderation is. He is entirely devoted to the void, and to Kenariah, which he respects and seems to consider more important than his own life.


Some says he was in relation with Kenariah, and he may have also raped a lot of his victims before using them in blood rituals. But those are just sayings.


Once educated as a viscount, he is now only a husk of his past glory.


Before being gilled he was the second in command of the Lapis nomine. Now his soul might still be the bodyguard of that of the witch.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Nothing but hatred, massacres and destruction.

Failures & Embarrassments

His own existence is a failure to the Archduchy of Rakrel.

Mental Trauma

He is the mental trauma of billion of peoples, himself don't feel anything any more to have one.

Intellectual Characteristics

A very clever and deceitful viscount that lost his mind to rage and hatred.

Morality & Philosophy

Lost long ago. Everything is but a weapon, a tool for the resurrection of an evil god.

Personality Characteristics


To serve the witch and the Lapis Nomine, bring sorrow and death in the world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely strong with extremely sharp nails, capable of killing someone before it even breathe. Incapable of doing anything else than killing.

Virtues & Personality perks

An absolute respect and admiratiopn to Kenariah, and something that resemble parental pride over the others members of the Lapis Nomine.

Vices & Personality flaws

Still an evil character that consider living beings as something that must be cleaned.

Personality Quirks

Always enraged, incapable of saying two words without trying to kill in the same time.


Long forgotten. Long ago he was a viscount with noble allure, now, he does not have any of that poise.


Contacts & Relations

He was extremy influent before turning to the Lapis Nomine, and then he had the entirety of the Lapis Nomine for him. Now he is dead.

Family Ties

He rejected all of that when becoming a void lord.

Religious Views

Entirely devoted to the void and Abadaï, the world must cease to exist at all cost.

Social Aptitude

Extremely egocentric, with a perfect charisma before falling into madness, now he is just a demon that seek murder to anything that breathe.


Whisper in the ears of his victims while slowly cutting their throat.


Switch randomly between Yelling and suave voice, strong Rakri accent, with strange echoes effect.


Alexander von Wargen

archenemy (Trivial)

Towards Jorlev Roheim Orlov



Jorlev Roheim Orlov

former vasal and traitor (Trivial)

Towards Alexander von Wargen




Once vassal of Alexander, Jorlev tried to frame him for a massacre he committed, to take his position as a count. It goes without saying that Jorlev sees Alexander as an obstacle and petty worm. And Alexander sees Jorlev as a despicable traitor and monstrous evil doer.

Nicknames & Petnames

Alexander refuse to tell the name of Jorlev, and only call him traitor and heretic. Jorlev does not even talk to Alexander.

Shared Acquaintances

Kenariah, as Orlov is her servent, and Alexander, her rival

Legal Status

former vassality

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Viscount of joriah, second of the Lapis nomine, blood traitor.
around 500 years
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Alexander Von Wargen
Somewhere in the county of Joriah, Rakrel
Place of Death
Kard'harim outer wall
purple, injected with blood
long free dark, dirty
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale grey
177 cm
85 kg
Lapis Nomine follower of @aba
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Rakri, Septrian, Demonic

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