Alexander von Wargen Character in Kray-Maven | World Anvil
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Alexander von Wargen

count Alexander Yano Von Wargen, of Joriah (a.k.a. The guardian of the peak, the vampire of Alkalia Lord Alek)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Atheltic, a bit wrinkled yet perfectly capable of breaking a rock with a kick.

Body Features

He looks both fairly young and a bit old, but as his age goes, he is effectively not ageing much, yet his pale grey skin gives some shivers. His thin artist's hands with long nails are also unsettling.

Facial Features

Perfectly dressed salt and pepper hair in ponytail with a crimson ribbon, yet on the front showing more wilderness. A really perfectly trimmed beard, and a smile worthy of his rank.

Identifying Characteristics

All on him shows his rank: dressed in green silk purple stitch embroidered with gold thread, bearing a signet ring with his coat of arms on the left middle finger.

Physical quirks

His eyes often closes for a moment when he is not moving; especially when he focus.

Special abilities

His blood is a weapon, By spilling it, he can transform it into a blade, of other things (linked to sin He also master a lot of occult spells, and learned some human arcane. He also has a bit of rage charisma, able to sustain his beast form for a little while.

Apparel & Accessories

All the clothes and jewellery of a noble count.

Specialized Equipment

A long sword imbued with the power of chaos.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Formerly known as Alexander Yano Von Wargen of Joriah. A most friendly vampire. Raised to the rank of count and then banished from The Archduchy of Rakrel , he lives in a mansion somewhere on the outskirts of Alkalia, not far from the Pyrrha summit and therefore close to the Oriakese borders. He has chosen the vampire order of the blood will, and fights intensely against all those who have chosen the void. Hating Kenariah, and intrigued by the Athrians, he followed Karth Estrada  for the first time in his fight against Shaar Elkraam  after the fall. And he came back during his resurrection, attracted by the witch's blood. The reason for his exile was the fact that one of his viscounts, Jorlev Roheim Orlov, was in fact a member of the Lapis Nomine, who committed mass murders, and then played trickery and deception to designate Alexander as the culprit. Wrongly accused of his viscount's crimes, his ego was destroyed, even though his innocence was proven, he was still banished for failing to prevent his viscount from committing atrocities. His past is now taboo, and his kindness as a host has its limits. He doesn't have much family left, except for his niece  whom he loved as his daughter, then as a sister, and now he has a vassalage relationship with her. Both of them regret the time when they could be more familiar with each other. His niece, who has inherited his county, still sends him a small portion of the money she earns through taxes.


As a count, he was risen as such, and therefore possess the education awaited for someone of that rank. Once installed in Alkalia he embraced fully the dwarven culture.


He is now retired in his manor in the mountain of Alkalia, far from the tumult and intrigues of his motherland. He often receives peoples who want him to read their future, or elves fleeing the Empire of Oriaka . Furthermore, he is paid by the monastery of Rhode to assert the futures of the new members.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He killed the witch many times, and got killed by her many times too. He lived long enough to see her succeed two time, and was here to participate in a fight against her.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being framed for the crimes of his viscount, his ego was killed, even if was proven innocent, he was still banished for having not prevented his viscount from doing devilries.

Mental Trauma

Sil-sankres, more specifically those of blood will, are immune to trauma.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely clever, forged by the intrigues of the court, as a count himself having had to play this little game many times, he is perfectly insensitive to flattery and lies.

Morality & Philosophy

He values privacy and honour, and always pay his debts.


His presence in Alkalia, how he got here in the first place, his past in general.

Personality Characteristics


A long hunt against the witch and his ex-viscount that ended in victory and vengeance; Now he only aspires to tranquillity and slowly await a death well deserved.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

An excellent artist in all forms of arts. He also master a lot of board games, especially those from Oriaka.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes a simple life. He dislikes debts, and those who never pays back.

Virtues & Personality perks

A strong, contractually immortal vampire, with a strong will that survived multiple death. A man of Honour that stick to his promises and always repays debts.

Vices & Personality flaws

He sometimes forgets the difference between friendship and simple contracted partners.

Personality Quirks

He tends to bow instead of giving handshakes, more even, he tends to wait for people to bows as he is a count. It is a reflex, he dislikes it, and it is still deeply written in him.



As a count of Joriah, he reigned for close to 40 years before being deceived by his viscount. He was firm and strict, but averagely good with the lower villagers, and more exigent with the small lords.

Contacts & Relations

His niece, in rakrel, The onirem family, the Arthima family. The monastery of Rhode.

Family Ties

Don't have much, except his niece that he loved like a daughter, then like a sister, and now, have more of a vassal relation with her. Both of them regret the times when they could be more familiar to each other.

Religious Views

As all Rakri, he views the demons of his religion as contractor more than gods to worship. He as a high-end contract with Samaï and a high loyal engagement toward Elucir. His part of the contract and his engagement has been fulfilled when he killed his traitor former viscount, and helped the Onirem and Arthima families to vanquish Kenariah and Shaar. Now separated from his contracted immortality, he awaits death as a hero.

Social Aptitude

A benevolent count that value the life of his people, perfectly aware of diplomacy and play of the courts.


He has the gesture of a middle lord, a count of Rakri; bowing and saluting politely in the mundane world. Once in friendly company, he may become more carefree.

Hobbies & Pets

Sculpture painting and knitting. Epistolary communication with her niece, his last family.


Strong Rakri accent, soft man voice, charming, with a lot of carefully chosen words, sometime extravagent sentences, the speech of a count.


Kenariah Avelith-Melida

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Alexander von Wargen



Alexander von Wargen

rival (Important)

Towards Kenariah Avelith-Melida




Since Orlov's treachery, anyone helping him is an enemy of Alexander. But Kenariah is clearly something else. For her, Alexander is clearly an obstacle, and a hard one, but trivial compared to the Onirem or Aridia. She only sees him as a good sparring partner, a heat-up before the real competition. And the fact both of them survive their encounters makes it amusing and useful for her, though a bit annoying after the tenth.

Shared Acquaintances

the Arthima familly and the Onirem familly

Alexander von Wargen

sire (Important)

Towards Yloriem Arthima



Yloriem Arthima

vasal (Important)

Towards Alexander von Wargen




Yloriem sought power to vanquish Kenariah, and if at first she was exteremly reluctant to it, she ended up abandoning herself to the vampire blood. Alexander was extremely honest and careful with her. She was duly informed of every pro and cons of becoming a damphyr. But Alexander was also extremely eager to see someone with the same power as Kenariah, who could not only par with her, but even surpass her and stay strong enough to resist the ambition and loss of mind to the evil side of blood magic.

Legal Status


Alexander von Wargen

archenemy (Trivial)

Towards Jorlev Roheim Orlov



Jorlev Roheim Orlov

former vasal and traitor (Trivial)

Towards Alexander von Wargen




Once vassal of Alexander, Jorlev tried to frame him for a massacre he committed, to take his position as a count. It goes without saying that Jorlev sees Alexander as an obstacle and petty worm. And Alexander sees Jorlev as a despicable traitor and monstrous evil doer.

Nicknames & Petnames

Alexander refuse to tell the name of Jorlev, and only call him traitor and heretic. Jorlev does not even talk to Alexander.

Shared Acquaintances

Kenariah, as Orlov is her servent, and Alexander, her rival

Legal Status

former vassality

Erika van Orijie

niece (Vital)

Towards Alexander von Wargen



Alexander von Wargen

uncle (Important)

Towards Erika van Orijie




Erika, per her title and rank, has to show some distance with her uncle, but in reality, she considers him as an adoptive dad. Not just a father, but an actual loving dad. But her training as a countess makes her still fake a distance. Alexander on the other hand, grew free from the code as he embraced Alkalian culture, getting to express more freely his real feelings for his niece.

Nicknames & Petnames

Erika might have actually called her uncle "uncle Alex" once, and still flush about it.

Shared Secrets

Dislike for the masquerade rules of their country.

Shared Acquaintances

not much yet, she is eager to encounter the friends of Alexander, especially the damphyr Yloriem and Aridia, who apparently got frightened by her portrait.

Wealth & Financial state

His niece, who inherited his county, still send him a little part of the money she earns from taxes. He is also paid by the Monastery of Rhodes to do some divinations on their path.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Count of Joriah (formerly), Bloodless count (means exiled and given back his title)
around a thouthand years
in the county of Joriah, in Rakrel
Current Residence
A manor lost in mountain forest between Alkalia and Oriaka
dark grey
long black, attached in ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale grey
183 cm
65 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The word 'will' is fascinating; for other races it is only a concept, an act of the mind to oppose a physical act of another individual or the violence of nature; for us, it has become a real force, a very tangible one, which fights against void and the absence of purpose. By our will, we can break the laws of reality."
contracted to Elucir and Samaï
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Rakri, Alkalian, Elfalen and some Karai, Meridian, some words in Septrian.

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