Character Creation, the Gift is a Curse in Kras'na | World Anvil
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Character Creation, the Gift is a Curse

You walk faster, chasing after the sound of the beating drum. A familiar feeling begins stirring within you, matching your heart to the beat of the drums, a sickening feeling. Was it Pity? Repulsion? Whatever that feeling was, it's overwhelming. It's because you know exactly what is about to happen. Trying to distract yourself by looking at your surroundings helps a little. What do you see?

Abbeys and Temples (A)

You walk though a well trodden path, a trail in the countryside you remember running through during your youth. Statues of saints and local holy leaders flank the sides, larger statues of the gods can be seen in the distance. Stopping momentarily on a small white bridge, you gaze into the distance at a large temple. There are many abbeys and monestaries, you yourself affiliated with one.

A Mighty Ocean (B)

You walk along the coastline, watching the beauty of the sea. The powerful waves falling, and crashing into itself, only to be pulled back anew. In the harshness, there is a peaceful rhythem to it. You've seen the sea at its calmest, and seen it during the mightiest storms. You, or many of the people you fight alongside feel a deep connection with her.

A Bustling Port City (C)

Your journey, like most of the greatest stories written, begins from the harbor. You walk through the bustling streets and although the sights are impressive, you are enraptured by the other senses. The smell of foreign foods being shipped in, the sound of childs laughter and what you assume to be curses in languages you barely recognize, cold mists on your skin.

The passage leads into a far more crowded area, where you see nearly a hundred others walking the same path as you. Living among them has been good, but deep down you know you're different from the common folk. You are both naturally, and through hard work set apart from them. You strove for something far greater than the life of mediocracy. You're an adventurer, but what kind are you?


Paladin, Cleric (A)

You may be a Paladin, Cleric, or someone similarly devoted to the Divine, or any other higher calling. You have considerable leadership skills, though you are more than happy to help another lead. You're concerned about the wellbeing of those surrounding you more than most others, inspiring you to take on the role of a healer. Because of this you know a lot about herbalism.

Fighter, Monk (B)

You walk the path of a warrior, likely to be a fighter, or a monk. You are well known within your social circles for your direct approach to most things, and the dedication you have to perfecting your craft, and learning ways to overwhelm your opponents. Whether learning a new weapon, or turning your body into one, you seek perfection. You have great techniques, and rely on the basics to take down most foes.

Bard, Wizard (C)

You might know how to play an instruments, or weave a fantastic tale to impress your guests. Or you may be well studied in the art of magic, spending hours pouring over old tomes and scrolls. Many like you have spent years to further understand the subtle differences in words and pronounciations in order to further grow. You've had moments of seclusion to learn, and a lot of opportunities to show off your skills.

Passing through the crowd, you feel the presense of a woman walking beside you. She wears the traditional clothing of your culture, a two handed sword resting on her shoulder. A fellow adventurer, it would seem. She nods in acknowledgement towards you, smiling slightly. What drives you to fight?

The Honor of the Gods (A)

You have chosen to dedicate yourself to a higher power, and the ideals that come with it. Honoring the Divine through words, and action brings purpose in life, offering the promise of a brighter future. One worth fighting for. Supporting your brothers and sisters within the faith and protecting the ideals set by the religous leaders in your communities are more than enough reason to fight on.

Your own Glory (B)

Ultimately you fight for yourself, and your own glory. While it could be list of ideals that you adhere to that you would shed your blood for, it could be solely for recognition, money, or prestiege. Loyal to those that are loyal to you, you seek to make yourself as close to perfection as possible. The best way to , or simply to make yourself as close to perfection as you can.

The Legends (C)

You are willing to throw yourself into confrontaion and combat wholeheartedly, whether it is a battle of swords, words, or a magic duel. You know that your struggle will be worthy of the Bards that sing of it in years to come. So you play the role of a heroic figure holding his staff high against overwhelming odds, or a nimble dancer weaving between the clumsy swings of your foes.

The drum beats with a deafening sound, the chanting has into a frenzied scream. The words that were spoken have slipped from the common tongue into that of the ancient, wicked, language of those who should not be named. You go to say something to your companion, but she's nowhere to be seen. Left alone you find it hard to focus, as you think on the last thing you spoke of; vices. What personal quality do you lack most?


Diligence (A)

You're someone with many good intentions. However, you realize that in order to aid those in need that the goals that you have set must be delayed. The greatest ideas you have in motion take far longer than the others to realize, so people may assume that you're slothful, or lacking the discipline needed to complete tasks. You might just suffer from plain old laziness however.

Humility (B)

Everything that you have, be it wealth or skill has been earned in blood and tears. You are well aware that you were not born naturally skilled to the extent you are now, and the memories of the dedication and sacrifices you have made follow you. At times this can get to your head, your prideful nature leaving those around you with a bad impression of you

Purity (C)

You have seen much of what this world has to offer. You've tasted meats prepared in foreign lands, pressed wines and spices unlike what you've ever tasted, more than you could have ever imagined. It's not surprising that you have also tasted many sins and temptations. You have a hard time remaining chaste, or pure with the many tempations you face daily.


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