Welcome to Krap Inc in Krap Inc | World Anvil

Welcome to Krap Inc

I'm Abby, Your Guide at Krap Inc

by Bea Cerojano

The first day of the rest of your life can be a daunting prospect. Fear not! Here at Krap Inc are dedicated to accompanying our interns every step of the way. You will never be alone.

I or any other Abby will be by your side at all times. We'll make sure you do a great job! If you don't, you signed the contract and knew the consequences.

First order of business

Take this first day as an opportunity to meet your colleagues, your boss and the building. Of course, you are going to work too. At the moment you arrive at your post your inbox will be full of e-mails with requests from your teammates, your boss and a test to evaluate you in all the information I gave you in the last hour.

I don't need to remind you that we could fire you on the first day. That would be unfortunate but not unprecedented. It's a shame that not everyone takes their first day at the job as professionally as they should. But I can tell you are a responsible young person. You'll fit right in with us. If you keep the sales up, and your expectations low you shouldn't have any problem.
by Macrovector

Tip #1

Do not take unnecessary breaks. Interns produce more profit when they don't let rest intervene with their productivity.

Our goal

by Flaticon

As any other private business in the history of Earth, our goal is to improve the world, and to offer our clients the best products and services that money can buy. In order to accomplish this goal we must work hard to make a profit. That is the only thing that matter to our organization.

Krap Inc is at the top of the market for every single thing that makes a human survive in this world. Soon in other worlds too. From housing to food going through for clothing, transportation, entertainment, education, and healthcare. We make it.

Tip #2

If you know how to follow orders, you could have a great future here. If you don't, that future may not be bright or exist at all.

End of the day

Congratulations! You made it to the end of the day. Not only you completed all your assigned tasks, but also you passed the test with acceptable grades. You may need to speed up tomorrow. There were others better than you. You already know that not everyone will get a bonus at the end of the year. If you want it, I wanna see your eyes red-rimmed and your hands with blisters from all the typing.

That would be all for today. You may go and have some rest. You are going to need it because you'll be here tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and so on. Until the end of your days. Isn't that exciting?

by Freepik

Tip #3

Leave your phone always on in case your boss needs you.

by Bea Cerojano

Hello, my name is Abby! I'm a hologram developed by Human Resources to introduce the new interns to our wonderful organization. We were trained with all the knowledge, warmth and charisma of the best in the area: Abby Barklay herself.

Of course, when her project was done we had to let her go. Her last words were "I will come back, traitors" I still don't understand why she said that. I'm pretty sure no one comes back from where we sent her.
by Alex Kotliarskyi
Here at Krap Inc we love open spaces to work that creativity with your colleagues, but do not take advantage of our generosity and start conversations about not work-related issues. That could lead you into trouble. You are so new, don't ruin it.

The dream of every employee is to get a seat on the Board of Directors. This dream keeps them sharp and focused at work, motivated and obedient. Soon will be your dream too. You are going to dedicate every waking moment in this office to achieving your goal. Krap Inc is grateful for all the collective effort the employees put into their everyday work. The company takes pride in treating everyone equally and giving them the rewards they deserve. From time to time a lucky employee gets a place of honour in the meeting room with the Directors. Of course, they don't come back to work with us.

by Nastuh Abootalebi

Tip #4

Don't ask many questions.

Cover image: by Kate Sade modified by Julian Ralid


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