Lord Chancellor Frederick Oberhauser Character in Krandos | World Anvil
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Lord Chancellor Frederick Oberhauser

Lord Chancellor Frederick Oberhauser

A calm and collected man, the Lord Chancellor Frederick Oberhauser is a former Pride Master with the Roaring Lion Order, and, in his stepping down as a Pride Master and accepting the appointment of Lord Chancellor, Oberhauser has made Syfrany an economic power house, secured its lands, and led the Syfranian people to a new age of prosperity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to King Arnold Oberhauser of Syfrany, Frederick's first four years of existence was spent in his father's palace until, when Frederick was four, Frederick almost unintentionally impaled his father who, as a result, sent him to the Lions College for the remainder of his youth.
During his first year at the College, he was placed into one of the various halls and left to defend himself against older students who proceeded to beat him. When Frederick was close to dying, he met an older student by the name of Magnus Aumann, who protected him from the others and nearly killed the attackers by himself. Aumann got Fred to a healer, and became his brother figure.

Gender Identity





Attended the Lion College of Syfrany in 711 DA and graduated with full honors in 728 DA.


Became a member of the Order of the Roaring Lions at an early age, and was the youngest Pride Master at the age of 27 and led his Pride with distinction until 730, when Frederick was chosen to become the Lord Chancellor of the Syfranian Chancellorate.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • At the age of 17, Frederick became the youngest Pride Master
  • Led his Pride in to aid in the defense of Syfrany during the Orc Siege of Syfrany in the summer of 727
  • Graduated top of his class in the winter of 728
  • Expanded the Syfrany Sanctuary for the Roaring Lions to the biggest, most wealthy Pride in the order

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Almost impaled his father, which caused him to be sent to the Lion College at an early age.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, Stoic

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Loves to spar
  • Loves travelling places, going on adventures
  • Hates any who speak ill or attempt to hurt his people

Virtues & Personality perks

Understanding, kind persona

Vices & Personality flaws

Quick to anger


Contacts & Relations

  • Major influence and various connections in the Roaring Lion Order
  • Good relations with Pride Master Magnus Aumann


Like the Southern gentleman.


Lord Chancellor Frederick Oberhauser

Friend (Important)

Towards Pride Master Magnus Aumann



Pride Master Magnus Aumann

Friend (Important)

Towards Lord Chancellor Frederick Oberhauser



Wealth & Financial state

Because of his many feats and his position, Oberhauser has little need for money, so he spends it on developing his country, whether it be the building of schools, bases, upkeep of the roads, or increasing farms.
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Chancellor of the Syfranian Chancellorae, King of Syfrany, Pride Master, Leader of the Assembly
Year of Birth
707 SA 33 Years old
Syfrany, Syfranian Chancellorate
Current Residence
Syfrany, Syfranian Chancellorate
Light blue
Wavy blonde hair
175 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
If they believe the Roaring Lions are weak, tell them to come back, and we will see who is weak.
For Syfrany!
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, High German, German, Hellenic, Elvish, Dwarvish, Orcish, Goblin

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