The Arena Building / Landmark in Kralærius Stratonexus | World Anvil
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The Arena

Within a massive spire extending above the thick layer of smog hanging over the great city of Citradex Terminus governs its corrupt Ordo Senatum. They argue, conspire, and deliberate from an enormously tall circular chamber lined with balconies. A device chugs up and down vertical tracks on either side of the chamber to ferry a balcony from its spot so its corrupt occupant can propose another pointless law from the center of the chamber where all can see. The Arena is the circular chamber standing hundreds of feet tall at the heart of the Forum Senatus from which the thousands of senators of Bastion city govern from.

Purpose / Function

The Arena was built with the purpose of housing the meetings of the Ordo Senatum. It is where all official votes, sessions, and high trials are held.


The Arena is about 500 feet wide and 700 feet tall. It is a circular chamber ringed by thousands of circular balconies. The balconies have a door in the back that connects them to the rest of the spire. They are about 15 feet wide each and detach from the side of the Arena so a device can carry them to the center where the unique acoustics of the chamber allow for their voice to be heard clearly throughout its cavernous depths. Each balcony is spaced 10 feet above the previous level and spaced 5 feet from those on its sides.


Each balcony has a single door where it can be boarded from the back. The door leads to a network of halls, offices, and small meeting rooms that make up the outer ring of the spire. A few service doors allow workers to make repairs on the device at the base of the Arena.

Contents & Furnishings

Each of the balconies of the representatives are furnished in however they please. Many boast lavish accommodations and furniture of all kinds, ranging from beds of pillows and silk to couches and chairs.

Special Properties

The Arena has a device installed that is designed to detach a balcony from the wall of the Arena and transport it to the center of the chamber. It is mounted at the bottom of the chamber and powered by a large steam engine. The steam engine allows a beam running the length of the rooms diameter to rotate. On each end of the crossbar vertical tracks rise the height of the room facing inwards. On these tracks a bar slides up and down, parallel with the crossbar, and with each end interfacing with a track. Forming a plus another track runs the diameter of the room crossing the bar. Along the track a device runs that locks on to the balconies lining the Arena's walls and slides them to the center. A model of the device is shown below (not to scale).

Kralaerius Stratonexus - Forum Senatus Balcony Transport Device.png

In addition to this device, the Arena is also serviced by a ventilation system as there is little airflow to the outside due to the chamber's location at the core of the spire, which itself has not windows to the outside. The vast ducts that carry the smog produced by the previously described device away and deliver fresh air operate through the use of huge fans powered by several coal engines located under the spire. The vents run throughout the whole of the spire with exhaust at the top and intake near the bottom.


Over its thousands of years of service the Arena has seen many changes and expansions. It has grown hundreds of feet in height as more senate seats are awarded. It also has seen the installment of a device that allows senators to be brought to the center of the chamber where all can see. Throughout its lifetime the Arena has been designed to have unique acoustic properties that allow those in its center to be heard all throughout its height.
Room, Chamber, Council
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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