The Empire of Scale Organization in Koru | World Anvil
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The Empire of Scale

The Empire of Scale is (or was, depending on who you ask), a draconic empire in The Oras Archipelago. It is ruled by the god-empress Surukaskarekramaş from The Burning Citadel. Although it only retains control over one of its cities, the empire has stabilized enough to begin sending out missions to pacify the now wild regions surrounding its capital with the aim of launching a settlement campaign to recover its lost territory.


The Empire of Scale began when Surukaskarekramaş returned to her home island from the reordering of the world to set herself up as empress. In time, the empire grew to control all the the Oras, north eastern Thovan, and Northern Ate'ian. Eventually, the Itxekalai drove the empire out of Ate'ian and Tuongraunimozg drove them out of Thovan. This precipitated a general disinterest in nation building within the empire, and the empress abandoned the northern Oras in favor of focusing on Dragonsreach. This isolationism lasted until Tisserian invaded. The ensuing war left both powers weakened and the Year of Dark Sun left the Empire of Scale in disarray.

Technological Level

The empire formerly possessed a high level of Artifice, having learned much from the Iron Kingdoms before their fall. As a result, the tsḭsyrtys had airships nearly as powerful as those of Manasa. Advanced knowledge of Artifice has been lost, however, and the empire has reverted to an iron-age level of development.


The Empire of Scale is a theocratic nation in which The Temple of the Flame is intrinsically entwined in all levels of society. All subjects of the empire are required to perform religious observances, and the Fire Dancers, the priests of the Temple of the Flame, are present at all echelons of the empire's administration.

From Fire We Are Born

Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Unitary state
Related Ethnicities

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