Turstay, the Body of Kornax Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Turstay, the Body of Kornax

Other Names

  • Dur̈stë (Dud humans)
  • Tursta (Bohatag furtans)
  • Tursteiu (Ronispali humans)
  • Tursteius (Dacci and Ivr̂ai humans)
  • Turzei (Sörsch firbolgs)
Turstay represents Kornax, itself. He is the embodiment of Nature.

Divine Domains

Death, Life, Nature, Tempest

Turstay is also a patron for many of those druids who are theistic in practice.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Turstay leans on his staff as he travels, the branch of a gnarled olive tree, its life preserved by his own power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Turstay's spirit coalesced in an ancient grove on Kornax in the lost mists of prehistory. He has since wandered among mortals, a custodian of nature's will.

Intellectual Characteristics

As the shadows of progress loom, Turstay fears he may one day fail his sacred charge and witness the end of the natural order.

Personality Characteristics


He seeks a balance between the unnatural constructs and demands of civilization and the needs of the natural world that he lives to defend. He teaches those who will listen how to live in harmony with nature, and he subtly guides the lost back to Kornax's embrace.

Divine Classification
Younger God (Greater)
Curly and brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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