Chocolate Fairy Species in Koria | World Anvil

Chocolate Fairy


The species of the Chocolate Fairy is somewhere located in dreams and legends. That doesn't mean they are not non-existent, it just means that they are not seen as often. But be assured, the Chocolate Fairy is no myth, no legend and very real.
They tend to live with humans under their roofs, in their closets, in the barns or workshops. The larger society of the Chocolate Fairies - yes, they have a society - lives in a small hidden oasis somewhere west from Mearis in closer proximity to the Long Neck mountains. There they live in peace, practice their own little magic and try to grow their society and knowledge.
That they tend to steal things like cloth, small bottles of drinks or chocolate bars/beans, is part of their charm. If you are the lucky one who encounters a Chocolate Fairy and catch her, you can wish for one thing. Sometimes they make it happen, most of the time they make it happen with a twist. So as every story goes, you better greet the fairy, wishes her a good day, maybe cherish her and let her fly. Or him.
"Be careful what you wish for, a fairy is a thing not to be trifled with. They can fulfil your dream, but at what cost?"
— Grandma to her grandson


There is only one royal couple, besides that they don't have other rules or structure. Everyone can live however one wants, can provide for the community and help each other or don't. The fairies live in huts at the top of (palm) trees, so they can hide if the urge arises.
Chocolate Fairies have a lot of festivities, mostly when something happens and during the year there is a lot of stuff going on. Be it a new royal couple is announced - which is a funny thing to witness - be it someone procreates very loudly, some Fairy managed to lend things for an unspecified timeframe steal pricey, tasty or unique items or just for the fun of a festivity.

Population & Reproduction

Chocolate Fairies are not so numerous even when they are in hiding. All around there are between two- to threehundred living Fairies with a bit more females than males. That is mostly because the males are more reckless than the females, so they tend to get caught, drowned, crushed, burned... a million ways to day for a Fairy here.
That means that there is normally an overhead of females. You all know what that means, right? Lets say, between stealing things and having festivities, it is a busy year.
A Fairy can give birth two times a year to one child. For the child and the parents - especially for the mother - is cared for from the society. Everyone cherishes new life and is happy about having new childs around. They grow up really fast and after four years the child matures. They try to provide for the community and do what they con do best.
Fairies are - you won't believe it - Omnivores. They eat meat and vegetables and plants and whatnot. So their teeth are a strange mixture of pointy and flat teeth, more pointy and sharp than flat. The bite of a Fairy is their strongest weapon after their magic. And if you are not careful and tend to the wound, it will kill you slowly with blood poisoning.
"A what?"
"A Fairy bite."
"A Fairy bit him and he died?"
"Not from the bite, but from the venom."
"Fairies have venom?!"
— Two friends talking about her careless deceased friend
The next weapon they have for assaulting and defending is their blowgun, outfitted with small darts which are covered in the poison of a really rare frog. Even a Garladan and a Dwarf is not resistent enough against it.

Chocolate Mischiefs

The Chocolate Fairies don't have their name from their chocolate brown skin but from their tendencies to steal chocolate. Be it the beans, the bars, prepared hot chocolate drinks or alcohol made with chocolate beans. It is a rare occasion that someone sees a Fairy flying away with an entire 20kg bag of chocolate beans, but it has happened. And after more and more people saw them, they believed it: there are Chocolate Fairies.

Other Mischiefs

But that is not the only thing Chocolate Fairies do: they steal your cake, they switch ingredients around, sometimes they play with your hair if you don't look in their direction and sometimes they misplace things like a fork or your comb.
"Mooom, the Fairy took my spoooon!"
"Don't talk to me like that, you had it in your hand a few moments ago. Do not blame the fairies for your misdeeds!"
"But Moooooom...."
"Don't But Mooooom me! Go find your spoon!"
— Mom and her daughter after a Fairy took the spoon (for real)

General behaviour

Chocolate Fairies are really playful and good with kids. They tend to play with them, playing Hide & Seek or Fetch. They love children who are free of bias and misjudged society behaviour. You can hear Fairies giggling in your garden when you listen closely.
There are some humans who love all kinds of playful things and so they love the Chocolate Fairies. They give them a huge garden to play behind their house, to play with the dog or cat and with their children. But those humans are seldom and so the Fairies hide most of the time from the adults.

Magical whimsical

Chocolate Fairies have intrinsic magic, they are born with it. Normally they use it for small illusions - like hiding the Oasis - or creating diversion if they are detected. They can use destructive magic as well, but it costs a lot of energy so they avoid using it. The most intrinsic magic is their aura. When they are close for a period of time (a few hours are enough), things went well. Plants grow more, people are a bit healthier, even sick people are being cured or at least they don't suffer so much anymore.
And the Fairies can "speak" with all kinds of animals. They do not use words, but feelings and intentions, which is more then sufficient. They also use their magic to help with their flying, but that is more of a reflex then a thing they do on purpose.
Chocolate Fairy by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


  • height: max. 35cm
  • wingspan: up to 60cm
  • 1x brain
  • 2x eyes
  • 1 nose
  • 36 teeth (in different sizes)
  • 1x tongue
  • 1x heart
  • 2x lungs
  • 1x stomach
  • 1x liver
  • 1x spleen
  • 2 wings
  • human like reproductive organs

Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Aug 17, 2023 22:03 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

Eddie, if you're going to read my journals, at least don't publish them online. LOL LOL LOL   Seriously, mate, I live with fey. I have to put out an offering every weekend or things. I mean, they're fey, they still do things regardless, but at least we have a respectful relationship where everything returns, relatively soon.   Recently, they stole my GenCon badge on Saturday night, hid it from me, and didn't return it until Monday. I think they were irritated that I wasn't home for several days, even though I remembered to put out an offering!! Silly, funny, prankish little fey.

Aug 18, 2023 07:20

Believe me, there has to be a fey in my apartment as well. They hid the remote for the lights for weeks and suddenly it appeared on my desk. Where I looked every other day. Seriously. If they want cake or honey, they should just say so :D

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