Kollark The Borders Rise

The Borders Rise

Era beginning/end


The world becomes unstable as the Divines begin their jobs. Jusicial, in an attempt to keep the world from completely breaking apart, creates the Borders in order to hold the different laws and magic inside each Province.

Without Kathe and Pote working together to keep the natural laws in check, the world began to ripple and the natural laws changed and shifted, starting to clash with each other and create rifts in existence. Pote bled into those spaces, attempting to soothe the rifts but only taking them over without Kathe's help.   Fearing that Kollark would disappear if this continued, Jusicial summons the Borders with a murmur. They rise high, reaching further than any being on Kollark could reach, and trap the laws inside. People affected by the laws deeply become trapped inside, and though some are devastated, Jusicial watches the order of the world fall into its usual rhythm as each Province becomes stable with unique natural laws.

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