Ashen Kingdom Settlement in Kollark | World Anvil

Ashen Kingdom

Etiquette, hospitality, beauty, and social status are extremely important to the Ashen people. Conversation, fashion sense, a refined palette or similar skills are highly regarded as signs of status, and a talent in any one of the three can grant you many rewards in the Ashen Courts.
— "A Borderless Guide to Provinces" by Owin Klane


Population Distribution

People Residing in Cities/Towns
People Residing in Settlements
Itinerant, Isolated, or Outcast

Class Distribution

Upper Class
Middle Class
Lower Class


The Ashen Kingdom is ruled by the Ashen King and the Ashen Queen, who are not required to have a marital or personal relationship. All decisions are ultimately made by their personalities1
A person who plays the part of a mask. There can be several people that play a single mask.
; if they are in dispute, it is decided by majority vote. In the case of a tie, the one currently wearing the mask will decide what to do. The Ashen Queen has more personalities than the King, and thus has the final word in all decisions.

Beneath them in rank are the Ashen Prince and the Ashen Princess, who, despite the traditional use of the title, are not related to the King and Queen. They make smaller decisions, command the four Duchi, and act as the voice of the King and Queen. The King and Queen will never leave the capital city, but the Prince and Princess may travel in their place to other cities and settlements. They have every power that the King and Queen have other than changing laws, though their decisions can be overridden by the King and Queen.

An Ashen Duchi (Dukes and Duchesses) is assigned to a section of the Kingdom; there are four in total. The Ashen Grand Duchess is in charge of the capital city. The Duke of Mayura is in charge of the Mayura district inside, the Duchess of Avonlea is in charge of the Avonlea district, and finally, the Duke of Ashen is in charge of the Capital district. All four are tasked with keeping each district running smoothly. The three District Duchi report to the Grand Duchess, who oversees them and is in direct contact with the King and Queen. They have the power to jail and execute people, raise/lower taxes in their district (within the King and Queen's parameters), and change some laws within their districts. All decisions can be overridden by their superiors.

Ashen Counti (Counts and Countesses) are in charge of a town, village, or settlement. They report directly to the Duchi in charge of their district. Counti have the ability to jail someone and submit them for execution to their Duchi. They can enact rules within their settlement as long as these rules don't contradict or attempt to undermine an existing law. Counti are responsible for turning in collected taxes to their Duchi as well. Viscounts are simply assistants to Counti who rule over larger cities and have the same jobs and powers, though they answer to their Counti.

Ashen Baronets are people who own a large plot of land and areas they can rent out to workers, or allow their workers to stay. They are under the control of a Counti, but can create their own rules and ban people from their land, as all land-owners can.

Ashen Warriors are soldiers trained to fight. They uphold the laws of the land beside the Masked Guard, who enforces the rules of the masks. Warriors are important for days like the dark moons, when the Masked Guard is inoperable, or for times of war; the Masked Guard will not fight or attack unless someone is disobeying their mask but will defend the kingdom or settlements from being taken over. Higher ranks often work in noble houses or large cities while low-ranking members will be placed in settlements and small villages.

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Over even the King and Queen, The Marquis is control of all of Avenir, though he prefers to stay out of most politics unless it suits him. The King and Queen are aware of him, though no one else knows anything beyond rumors and the occasional legend. Most think of him as a boogeyman; an explanation for the Masked Guard brought on by fear. However, he makes sure everyone follows the rules as he is the director in this play.

Industry & Trade



Domesticated animals farmed for their meat, milk, and wool.
fur and meat, fabric, yarn, thread, clothing, stone, iron, wine


Fruits, nuts, spices, pharmaceuticals, sugar, oils, timber, tea


Upper Class

Government, landowners, merchants

Middle Class

Craftsmen, merchants, shop owners, warriors, landowners

Lower Class

Farmers, servants, fishers, miners


The Ashen Kingdom has one large main road that connets all three largest cities; Ashen Capital, Mayura, and Avonlea. The road is made from stone brick that was neatly cut and methodically placed. Rougher cobblestone roads branch off the main road to larger cities, some of which also have cobblestone roads connecting them. Dirt paths lead to villages and settlements.

Most of the little electricity available in the Ashen Kingdom comes from the dam that cuts through the main river in the kingdom. The dam, along with several well-placed water mills, collects energy and sends it to the larger cities and the capital. The towns nearby might also have some electricity, but this is mostly used for lighting and not much else. Sewage systems exist in larger cities, but smaller settlements will deal with their own waste.

Mines are quite common in the Ashen Kingdom due to their place in the mountains. Crop farms aren't as common because of the rocky areas; instead, kisurne farms make up the majority of farming in the Ashen Kingdom.


Before the Borders rose, the Ashen Kingdom was a small country known as Ashik which was in deep conflict with nearly every neighbor they had, usually over the precious metals inside the mountains. Though small, Ashik's army was a force to be reckoned with, filled with Suplum; a humanoid species that are naturally born with Gifts of magic. The years after Kathe's death were particularly rough on the country, and it was under the threat of collapsing.

Once the Borders rose, the Festival of the Masks was celebrated for the last time as the Masked Guard rose from the ground and began to enforce mask law; everyone must play the part of their mask. The Ashen Kingdom became juxtaposed to old Ashik; their morals became about honor, courtesy, and loyalty. Trade became common practice, which led to more stability in the Kingdom. It has reached an equilibrium, along with the rest of Avenir.


The Ashen Kingdom's terrain consists of mostly mountains and hills. It is largely nestled in the Purple Mountains, which are tipped with snow most of the year. Areas outside of the Purple Mountains have thick coniferous forests and are full of vegetation.

Natural Resources

Because of the Ashen Kingdom's ownership of most of the Purple Mountains, stone and iron are common, with copper and gold being less common. The occasional rare gemstone will be found. Kisurne are plentiful in the wild, along with a diverse selection of large herbivores, small mammals, and birds. The Cabre3
A large carnivorous mammal and the only large predator in Avenir. They are wild and very dangerous.
is the only large predator and stays mostly in the mountains. It is difficult to hunt, but the fur is often considered worth it to most.
National Territory
Location under
Government Hierarchy

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Avenir: the Province that the Ashen Kingdom resides in.


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