Yitrik Character in Kobold Archipelago | World Anvil
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Yitrik, folk hero of legend. Everyone has heard tales about him. Every member of the Folk has a favorite story about Yitrik. He drove the giant cave centipedes out. He fought twelve humans to a standstill without any help. He invented cooking. He was always humble, but bragged about his accomplishments at the slightest chance. He drank a dwarf under the table. The gnomes collapsed a mine on him after he won a riddling contest with their king, but he just dug a tunnel out and left with all their ore. Charming, dashing, always up for a bit of fun, and pretty much every kobold tribe claims descent from him somewhere in their history.   The littlings whisper amongst themselves that he even once told a dragon that it was wrong about something!   There are a million Yitrik stories. Some have morals, some are meant to teach, some are inspirational. Probably less than a third of them are even vaguely accurate, but who cares?
Golden, warm, the kind to make your tail quiver when he turns them on you.
Twice the height of any other kobold!
As much as any three kobolds!


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